Underfell Sans x Naga!reader

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You were perched on one of the lower roofs of one of the buildings, waiting for an unsuspecting human to walk down your alley. It was usually thugs, thinking this would be a good spot to mug people. But you would always be there, and whoever walked down your alley, would be your dinner.

You saw a teenage girl with a little boy. 'They should be able to fill me up for two months.' you thought. You slithered into your trapping area, and just when you were about to strike, the two humans screamed and ran out of the alley. You were confused. Did they see you? That can't be possible, you have never been spotted before. You heard footsteps, and looked to see one of the monsters that had recently came to the surface. It was a skeleton.

He had sharp teeth with one golden tooth, which was also sharp, and he had one, single red eye. He wore a black, fur-linen hooded jacket, a red sweater, black pants with a white stripe going down the side, and black, red, and yellow sneakers

'Where the hell did he come from?' You thought, slithering back up to your roof. You did not see him come from the other part of the alley. He must have used some strange magic to make himself appear. You remembered hearing that monsters had strong magical abilities. But you did not appreciate him scaring away your prey.

You couldn't eat monsters because they didn't have enough physicality to actually fill you up. So, you let the skeleton leave your alley without harm. But, you had a feeling you'd see him again.

~Time skip~

It's been two weeks since that skeleton first showed up, and you were hungry. He showed up, everyday, at the exact same time. He scared all your prey away, so you couldn't eat. You could tell he didn't know you were here, so he wasn't doing this on purpose because of you. But you needed to eat. Winter was coming soon, and you needed a full stomach for your migration.

You got your weapon ready for his arrival. You don't normally use your weapon, but you didn't want to use your normal tactic of just eating him. But if push came to shove, you would eat him. 

When he appeared, you waited for him to get into the position you wanted him in. When he was at the right spot, you swung your tail down and knocked him on the ground next to a dumpster. Then, you leaped off the roof, weapon raised, and swung it down on him. But right before you could strike him, he quickly rolled out of the way, so you smashed your weapon into the ground beside him. 

"What the hell, bitch?!" He growled, then he looked at you. You hissed and bared your fangs. You tried to stab him in the chest, but he swiftly dodges. "Calm down, crazy lady!" He snapped, summoning his own set of weapons. They were red, sharp tipped bones. You growled, and charged. He launched his weapons at you, and you deflected them with yours. But while he wasn't looking, you shoved him backwards with your tail.

He hit the back wall, getting the breath knocked out of him. You slithered up to him, and tried to bring your weapon down on him. But he raised his hand, and some red glow appeared on his hand, making your weapon be thrown from your hands. "Ha! Whatcha gonna do now?" He taunted. You looked back and saw your weapon was still in the alley. You looked back at the grinning skeleton. "You really should not have done that." you growled, deeply. 

Before he could say anything, you quickly wrapped him up in your coils, all the way up to his neck. He gasped, and looked up at you. "You've chased away my food for too long now, monster." you hissed. "Now, it's time to stop that." You began to lean in, and open your mouth. It stretched inhumanly wide, and began to close in on his skull. "Wait! Wait!" He yelled, struggling in your coils. "What are you talking about?! I didn't chase your food away!" 

You hesitated, then pulled your head back, and slapped his cheek with your hand. "You idiot!" You hissed. "Every human that comes through this alley is MY prey. But, ever since YOU showed up, you've been scaring them away, and I have been getting hungrier." His eye sockets somehow got wider. "I'm not one for eating monsters, but this is my only exception." you said, starting to open your mouth again. "Wait! Stop!" He said. "I-If you let me go, I'll get you some food!" 

Once again, you pulled away. "Are you serious?" You asked. "Yes." he said. "I-It's not humans, b-but it's food." You have had normal food before, and it wasn't too bad. It was also easier to eat. "Very well, skeleton." you said, loosening your coils around him. "But if you deceive me, or try to run, I'll track you down and swallow you hole." He was scared, but it looked like he was trying to look tough. You uncoiled your tail around him, and let him go. He stood up, and you grabbed your weapon, putting it away, using your magic.

"Before we get the food, we have to cover you up." he said, removing his jacket and throwing it at you. You hissed and threw it at the ground. "What the hell are you talking about?" You asked, placing your hands on your hips. A red hue appeared on his face, and he looked away, hiding his face. "Well, you are very sexy without any clothes on, doll." he said, making you scowl. "But, if people see you like that, you're going to get in trouble." You just rolled your eyes, flicked your tongue, and put his jacket around yourself.

"So where are we going, skeleton?" You asked, slithering out of your alley, following the skeleton. "We're heading to a bar called Grillby's." he said. "And by the way, my name's Sans. What's yours?" He turned around to face you. You looked away and scowled, but sighed and looked back. "It's (y/n)." you said. He just smirked, and the two of you headed to get some food.

~Time skip~

It's been two months since you showed Sans mercy in that alley, and him taking you someplace to eat. He's allowed you to come live with him and his brother, Papyrus. 

He had Undyne and Alphys take you clothes shopping so you wouldn't have to keep using his jackets. They got you a black, spaghetti-strap crop top, and a dark bluish-purplish skirt. You grew accustomed to wear them, and felt better than being completely bare.

Every now and then, when you and Sans would be lounging around the house, the two of you would end up teasing each other. Sans would play with your tail, usually. Lying on it, stroking it, and one time he licked it. When you would tease him, you would trap him in your coils, and gently brush the tip of your tail against his feet and legs. It would make him shiver, and slightly moan. Your teasing was much more effective than his, though.

You liked living in a house. You were able to stay warm, and you didn't have to hunt for food. Plus, you got to hang around with the cutest skeleton.

You were waiting for Sans to get home from Grillby's with your food. It was really chilly out, so you had to stay inside. 

After a while the door opened, and Sans walked in with a paper bag. "Hey, (y/n)." he said. "I got you some food." You slithered off the couch and up to him. "Thanks, Sansy~" You said, taking the bag. His face turned a little bit red, but he sat down beside you. 

You unwrapped your food, and swallowed it down with one gulp. "Heh. I keep forgettin' you're a naga." he said, scratching the back of his head. You leaned in and gave him a smooch on the cheek. His whole face turned red, and he looked at you. "I love you, Sansy.~" you said with a wink. He blinked a couple of times, but then he leaped at you and kissed your lips with his teeth. 

You were surprised, but smiled and kissed back. Once he pulled away, he said, "I love you too, (y/n)." You flicked your forked tongue at him, and then pulled him in for another kiss, wrapping him up in your coils to keep him from escaping.

~Author's Note~

I've had this idea in mind for about five days, so I finally just decided to get it out there

I hope you enjoy!

~Maia out! ;P

AU Undertale x Reader Oneshots [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now