Underswap Sans x reader

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You were just completing Sans' ice puzzle, were you had to slide in the correct area to hit the buttons. After finishing it, you walked along the path, looking to find the next puzzle, or maybe run into Papyrus or Sans again. Papyrus was all over the place, trying to make me laugh by telling ridiculously bad puns. Some of them were good, and made you giggle. Other just made you frown, and shake your head. 

You walked through the grove of trees, about to go onto the next puzzle, when, suddenly, you were yanked upwards. You screamed loudly as you felt yourself go upwards, and the feeling of something being enclosed around you.

When you stopped moving, you found yourself in a tree snare. You were trapped in a net, high in the trees. Looking down, the ground was several yards below you. "Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap." you muttered to yourself. You tried to wiggle your way through the openings of the net. It was probably meant for a human like you, but they probably thought you would be bigger. It was difficult to squeeze through the opening because the net kept moving. 

You got you upper half out, and you were panting pretty hard. Your stomach was being constricted by the rope of the net. You decided to try to swing over to the tree in front of you, so you could pull the rest of your body out of the trap. It wasn't really working, seeing as you couldn't really swing without getting whatever breath you had knocked out of you.

"HUMAAAAN!" A familiar, loud voice called. You screamed, and a bit more of you slid out of the net. Now, just your legs were in the net. Sans looked up and saw you stuck in the net. "HUMAN!" He yelled, startled. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" "I got caught in the trap!" You called. "OKAY! JUST HOLD STILL! I'LL GET YOU DOWN!" He yelled, heading over to the are to the rope that held the trap up. "No! I can get down myself!" You called, trying to wiggle out and grab one of the branches. "HUMAN! NO!" He yelled, but you had already wiggled out. Your legs slid out, making you go forwards and miss the branch you were trying to grab. 

You fell forwards, screaming at the top of your lungs. Then you hit your head on a thick branch, and everything went dark.

You woke up in a comfortable bed, and your head was bandaged, with a wrapped up ice pack on the painful spot. You took it off, and sat up, groaning in pain. "What happened?" You asked yourself. "you fell twelve feet from one of the traps that the guard put up." a familiar chilled voice said.

You looked forwards and jerked your head back. You saw it was just Papyrus, but the quick motion hurt your head. "Ow." you said. "hehe. take it easy, kiddo." he said, chuckling. "Sorry." you said, sitting up. "HUMAN!" Sans voice yelled. You jumped harder than before, and ended up hitting the back of your head on the wall behind you. "Ow!" You squealed, holding and rubbing your head. "HUMAN! ARE YOU OKAY?!" He yelled, running up to you. "Yeah. I'm just a little bruised." you said, placing the ice pack back on the painful spots.

"HERE, HUMAN. HAVE THIS." Sans said, holding out a plate of steaming tacos. "PAPYRUS HELPED ME MAKE THEM (even though I can make them just fine on my own), AND THEY'LL HELP YOU GET YOUR HEALTH UP." You rubbed the tiredness out of your eyes, and reached for a taco. It was warm, and it smelled alright. You took a napkin and took a bite of the taco. It was a little bitter and burnt, but you needed the strength. So, you continued to eat it.

You at all three of the tacos he gave you, and he was smiling wide with stars in his eyes. "Thank you, Sans." you said. You reached out and hugged him. He went completely stiff, and his face started to turn completely blue. Papyrus snickered and took a photo of you and his brother. 

When you pulled away, you saw that Sans' face was completely blue, and his eyes were little, blue hearts. You let go, and he slowly fell backwards. You tried to catch him, but missed. Papyrus quickly reached forwards and caught his brother. "Is he okay?" You asked. "he's fine." he said. "just a little... rattled." He winked, and you just rolled your eyes. Sans got up and yelled at his brother about telling puns in his room. You made an "Oh." motion with you mouth, understanding that Papyrus just said a pun to bring Sans back to his senses.

~Time skip~

It's been a month since the skelebros welcomed you into their home. They've been slowly helping get to know everyone else in the underground. You've gotten to know the captain of the Royal Guard, Alphys, thanks to Sans. And Papyrus helped you get to know Undyne, and help you become friends with Naptsablook, before he decided to take your soul.

Today, you were just eating ice cream and watching a news report on the skelebros' TV. It was Napstablook, interrupting Alphys during her work out. He was trying to get her to tell the audience how to become strong, like her. She just got angry, grabbed the camera, and threw it to the other side of Waterfall. You just laughed at her actions, not noticing a blue-faced Sans walking in the door.

He has had a crush on you ever since he and Papyrus healed you from you falling out of that trap in the forest. He took a seat next to you, gaining your attention. "Hey, Sans." you said, then you noticed the blue hue on his face. "Are you okay?" You reached out and placed you hand on his skull. He basically melted in your touch and leaned into it, surprising you. "(Y/N), I..." he started. "Yes, Sans?" You asked. The little hearts in his eyes came back right as you said his name. "I-I... I lo..." He tried to say. He squeezed his eyes shut, then he moved forwards and kissed you on the lips. 

You're eyes went wide, but soon enough you melted into the kiss. When it ended, he looked into your eyes and said, "I love you, (y/n)." You smiled and said, "I love you too, Sans." His eyes turned into bright, blue hearts, and he hugged you tightly. 

"i appreciate you two confessing your love for each other, but can you dial down the PDA on the couch?" Papyrus' voice asked. The two of you sat up, and looked over at him. Sans looked embarrassed, and tried to hide his face, but you just laughed. "Look who's talking, mister, 'I'm gonna lure Undyne upstairs and pull her into a dip for our first kiss'."

Papyrus' face turned completely orange. "... you... saw that?" He asked. "Yeah! I was there, remember?!" You asked. "We were watching anime so Napstablook wouldn't spread rumors about you, but then it seemed like you forgot I was there, because you lured her upstairs. So, I followed, and I saw you pulled her into a dip and kiss her!" You pulled out your phone and showed him the picture. 

He quickly teleported away, and you just laughed your head off. "I'M SO GLAD HE FOUND LOVE!" Sans exclaimed. "Well, now that that's over, I'm sure that he won't bug us about this anymore, Sans." you said. "ALRIGHT, (Y/N)." he said. 

The two of you just sat there for the rest of the afternoon, cuddling.

~Author's Note~

Yeah. I'm an #Undyrus shipper :P

I'm not gonna ship it all the time. I will ship #Alphyne here and there

I hope you enjoyed!

~Maia out! ;P

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