Lamia! Papyrus x Reader x Lamia! Sans

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~A/N~ A lamia is very similar to a Naga, except they wear clothes, and they have less scales covering their body.

You and some other people were going exploring through a jungle to find fossils. You heard there were dangerous creatures here, but you trusted your crew to always be there for you.

While heading to the grove to gather fruits, you all found a giant, shedded snake skin. And next to it was a large snake trail. You became alarmed and kept close to your crew. The leader warned that there might me an anaconda near by, and to stay alert for any movement. You stayed near the others, nervous to see if any snakes would appear. 

After gathering fruits from the grove, your crew headed back to the camp site, and decided to settle down for the night. You were nervous about sleeping, knowing there were snakes out there, but your crew said that they wouldn't come near the heat of the torches, and that you should calm down.
You took some deep breaths, then proceeded to lay down and go to sleep.

Little did you know, that two very large snake creatures were watching you.

As you slept, you heard noises from outside. You tried to ignore them, assuming it was one of the crew members going to the bathroom. You ended up falling back asleep.
After you dozed off, two large skeleton snakes, otherwise known as the Lamia, slithered into your tent. You looked at your peaceful, sleeping figure. The bigger one thought you were the most precious thing ever, and the smaller one thought that you and your crew were here to hunt them. So, the small one scooped you up in his tail, and proceeded to drag you out of your tent and into the forest.
You woke up when you felt the ground moving, and looked to see you were being dragged along by a large snake. You screamed at the top of your lungs, trying to claw your way out of the snake's coils, but your attempts were useless. You heard your crew shouting, and the snakes hissing, and then you were knocked out.

You woke up in a cave. Your head was bandaged, and you were tied up in ropes. You began to struggle, and call out for help. 
"Quiet down, you're making a racket." a voice said. You whipped your head over to see two half skeleton snakes sleeping in beds. You screamed, and the smaller one shot up and hissed, making you shut up.
You then started to softly cry. The bigger one slithered out of his bed and up to you. "Don't cry. He doesn't mean to be so aggressive." he said, making you look up at him. "He just hates being woken up so early." "Who-... Who are you?" You said, tears streaming down your eyes. "I'm Papyrus. And over there is my older brother Sans." he said, pointing to the smaller one. "He's older than you?" You asked. "But he's smaller." "Well, that is a genetic thing we got from our parents." he said. He reached out and wiped your tears away. 

"Why did you bring me here?" You asked. "That was Sans' idea." Papyrus said. "He thought you and those other people were hunters, and you were trying to kill us." "What? No! We just came here to look for fossils." you said. "Then why did I see people with guns." Sans' voice spoke up, startling you. "They were just for self defense." you said. "If a jaguar or another predator tried to attack us, the men with guns would try to scare it off with the guns, or be forced to shoot it to protect us."

Sans hissed and got up. "I don't believe you." he said. "And until we have further proof, you're going to stay here as our hostage." He scowled, showing off his large fangs. You gulped and nodded. He huffed, and slithered out of the cage.

You started to cry again. "I'm sorry my brother is like this." Papyrus said. "He's just very protective of me and our friends." "Th-There are more of you?" You asked. He nodded. "I promise, we won't eat you, though." he said. "EAT ME?!" You shrieked, and began to struggle harder. "We won't! I promise!" Papyrus said. "We only eat humans if we're defending our nests. And since we have you in our nest tired up, nobody will eat you."
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?!" You cried, tears streaming down your cheeks once again. "I thought it would." he said. "It means you won't die at least, so that's a positive."
You ceased your struggling, knowing it was hopeless. "I wanna go home." you said. "I know, but my brother won't let you go until he's sure that you aren't a threat." he said. "Can't you let me go?" You asked. "No, because then my brother will hunt you, and I'll get in trouble." he said. "If you try to run, you'll most likely be killed by my brother, or by one of our friends."

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