The First Day {Part 2}

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Warning: Swearing and a few Time skips

—Your POV—

I enter the principle's office and am greeted by a buff young person who I don't recognize. "Hello, what can I do for you?" "Uh. Hi! My names (f/n) (l/n). I'm the new student that will be starting today." "Oh I see. I'm PC principle your principle. Take a seat and let's talk about your schedule and how things are goin go work for you. I know your a special case." Oh god not again. I sit down in the chair across from his desk.

"I know your parents wish for me to assign a schedule that would cause you as little physical labor as possible." "S-Sir. I understand my parents concern but I wish to keep my... um... you know a secret from other students. I don't wish to be treated any different and I also don't wish to have a medication period if your okay with it." "Well I would give that to you if your parents were not the ones to make the request."

"I know sir. But is it okay if you please don't tell them you changed my schedule? I honestly don't wish to live sheltered. The reason I practically begged my parents to come back here was so I would actually feel alive." He gives me a look like he wasn't sure if he should grant my request. He sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose. "I'll grant your request on the condition that you don't over work yourself physically." "Thank you!" I smile wide and giggle to myself a bit.

I leave the office as the bell saying your late rings and read the first class I have. As I head to it I see a boy in a orange parka walk in through the doors. Since I'm late already I ignore them and head to my class.

I reach my class and enter. The teacher stops and turns looking mad at me until they realize I'm new. "Well class. Seems our new student finally came." "Sorry. I got lost a few times." "Well since it's your first day I'll let you off. Now introduce your self." I walk upfront if the class and look around to see if I recognize anyone. I take a deep breath and move my leg a bit in nerves. "H-hi! I'm (y/n) (l/n)! I hope to get song with all of you!"

I notice Wendy is there and Kyle, I also recognize Clyde and Token who are scattered around. "Okay go sit by Kyle over there. The boy with the green hat." I head to the one empty desk by Kyle and relax a bit. Good. One introduction out of the way. I sit there take a spiral that I decide can be for this class and start taking notes in it.

As class goes I feel that daggers if Wendy's glare at me and am slowly getting more annoyed with her. I look to my left and see Kyle focusing on writing the notes. I quickly go back to the lecture on what ever it is.

•—Time Skip—•

I hear the bell that dismisses the first class and let out a heavy breath. "God! I hate school!" Kyle turns to me surprised to see me there. "Yes hello again Kyle." A smile at him. "What class do you have next (y/n)?" I take my schedule out and show him it. "Any idea where it is?" He looks and smiles a little. "I have the next 2 classes with you. Just come with me and I'll show you the way." "Thanks Kyle!" I get up and turn to see Wendy flirting with some guys. 

"Hey Kyle.." I whisper to him "does Wendy cheat on Stan?" "Yes." He States with no emotion in his voice. This tiks me off, not Kyle's lack of emotion but Wendy. As we leave I hear Wendy shout at me "Bitch!" I told my eyes and yell back "Whore!" With out looking back I walk off with Kyle leaving a lot of people shocked at me.

I turn to see Kyle snickering and trying hard to hide his laughter and I smile. "It's great to hear your laughter Kyle!"  He looks at me surprised and smiles wider. "Was that your goal the whole time?" "Yes!" We talk about silly things as we walk to our next class and I get a weird feeling I'm being watched the whole time.

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