The Hangover

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—Kenny POV—

I wake up with (y/n) in my arms who's whimpering and see Kyle asleep with Stan's face in his hair. "Kenny..." "Yeah (y/n)?" "Take me to the bathrooom..... I think I'm gonna...." She burps and I instantly run to the bathroom while holding her. I put her down fast as she starts vomiting into the toilet.

I hod her hair out of the way of her face in hopes to keep it clean. "Ugh.... why...?" She slides down and lays on the bathroom floor looking up with half open eyes. I sit down near her as she curls up into a ball and puts her hands to her head. "Keeeeenny! It hurts!" "Oh shoot... you got a hangover...." I sit next to her and rub her back gently.

"Why does drinking suck so much aaaasss!" I struggle not to laugh out loud knowing loud sounds will make the hangover worst. "You should have thought of that before drinking with Stan. By the way how many cans did you drink?"

"Uh..." She closes her eyes and scrunches her brows thinking. "One.... maybe two? Ow... I don't remember! My head hurts to much!" She rubs her temples with her hands. I cover my face and can't help but think she's so cute when she's whiny. "Hgm.... Ke~nny!!!"

"Yes (y/n)?" She reaches up to me like a little kid wanting to be carried. "Carry me home~!" My face heats up at the bundle of adorable ness on the floor. "Shit your so cute." I pick her up and starts to leave the house to see Kyle awake and struggling.

He seems to be trying to get out of the sleeping Stan's grasp and stops struggling seeing me caring (y/n). "Shit! She looks miserable." "Yeah. And it's all thanks to something called sickness and alcohol. I'll come to pick her things up later. See ya." I leave holding (y/n) and start to head to her place.

As we head there it starts to snow so I speed up a little. When I get there I realize the door was locked and (y/n) didn't have her keys. "Shit..." I look up and see that the window to her room is open. I know it was a bad idea but I gently put her down into the snow and get ready to start climbing.

After I get through the window I see (y/n)'s room. Its oddly plain from what it was before she moves away but not to much different. I leave her room and go to the front and open the door. I quickly pick (y/n) up and take her inside.

I lay her on her bed and take her shoes off because she fell asleep last night with them on.
"Kenny... can I have some water please?" "Sure." I go downstairs and get the glass of water and go back to her room. "Here." I hand it to her and she slowly drinks it.

(Y/n) sits up and rubs her head after setting her cup in her nightstand and takes a old tape recorder out. "Hey Kenny." "Yeah sweet cakes?" She looks at me confused clearly sober now. "What did you call me?" "Nothing."

She shakes her head a bit then gets the tape ready. "Mind playing Cupid with me?" I smirk and as she messes with the tape. "Depends on who." She looks at me like I was dumb. "Between Stan and Kyle duh. Who else would I play Cupid between."

I laugh a bit and she covers a ear. "Still having a hang over Kenny." She smirks and I know she's over it already. "Yeah yeah. So what's on the tape?" "Listen and hear."

She starts the tape and lets it play.

"Now talk! If you get sad then you can drink with me!"

"I got drunk and said some shitty things to him. After he started to act differently and I thought it was my fault. After a while rumors saying how he's gay started after I got drunk really bad. I decided to stop hanging with him because I honestly was scared of the facts that he might like me."

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