Demons.... Great

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—Your POV—

After crying for awhile I finally stop. "God. I never cried so much since my grandma died!" I giggle a bit feeling much better after bawling my eyes out to Pip and Damien. "Are you feeling better now?" I smile at Pip genuinely. "Yeah. I'm cool now."

I stand up and look at my reflection in some glass. It's not there. "Oh yeah. I'm a ghost. Pip do I look like I cried or do I look like I didn't?" He hesitantly smiles and looks a bit lost for words. "You look like you had a bad hair day and spent a week watching those chic movies while eating ice cream." I turn to Damien shocked. "Seriously?!"

I start to run my fingered through my hair in a fail attempt to clean my self up. "How did this even happen! Shouldn't I be a eternal beauty when I'm a ghost?!" Damien starts laughing like crazy and I can tell Pip was trying his hardest not to laugh too.

I smile at the happy atmosphere that was a around us now. "So. Back to the task at hand. How am I going to return to my body and live past my death day?" Pip looks at me surprised. "Your not going to ask what you look like in the hospital? He did say you sickness took a turned for the worst..."

"I already know what I most likely look like. More then likely I look like a pale raisin mess of what I used to be because my body is at the stage of me not being able to hold in any liquids anymore. And because if that I can't swallow solid food. Not that I could anyway I am in a coma!"

Pip looks at me like I hit the head of the nail. "How do you know so much?!" "I researched a bit when I first found out I had it. So how can I cure myself and go back into my body? I assume sadly pip has no ideas so I'm directing this question to you Damien."  Damien gives me a look like I was stupid. "None of my ideas are good ones you know. They might make your life even worse then dieing."

I walk up to Damien and cup my hands on his face. He stares at me surprised and then I start to stretch and scrunch his face up. "Damien! I'm taking the chance! So stop holding back!" He smirks at me. "Well then let's go to hell real fast." "No."

He clicks his tongue and looks away. "Damn. I thought that would work." I let go of his face. "So what do I really have to do?" Damien rolls his eyes and takes a piece of chalk from his pocket. It's red like blood and doesn't smudge in his fingers. "I need to summon a demon that is willing to heal you and guarantee you a good life for a cheap contract. But we need to be in your room near your body."

"Ok." "Now understa- wait? Your okay with that?!" Pip walks to me and gives me a worried look. "(Y/n), you do understand by doing that you lose your place in heaven right?! You also don't know what the demon might ask for the price to be!!!" Now normally I would refuse any satanic ritual Shit cause I'm scared of it. But I want to go back to everyone. Even if Kenny and I don't stay together. As long as I can continue my life I'll make new experience and new people! I'll also get to see the many new episodes of anime and manga!"

"That's the real reason you want to do it isn't it." I start blushing a bit. "T-that's not the only reason! Baka!" I look up at the sky an see it's night now. "Wow time sure did fly. We should start heading to the hospital right?" "Yeah. Let's go." Pip picks me up again since I still can't relay fly and heads off to the hospital.

We enter my hospital room and see how trashed I am. "Ugh. This is why I hate hospitals." Pip looks at me confused. "Because of the machines hooked into you?" I get out of his arms and sit down in a chair that was there. "No because I knew someday o would end up like that. So I couldn't enter a hospital with out thinking 'oh I'm here even though I'll be trapped her for my last moments and become a raisen!' Kinda kills the urge to like them doesn't it?"

Pip thinks and then nods. "Hey! Are we going to do this or not?" I get annoyed with Damien. "Yeah yeah. Don't get your pantys in a twist." Damien rolls his eyes as he draws a demon summoning circle with his red chalk. He starts to say something in a language I don't know and the circle starts to glow.

It slowly glows brighter and brighter till it's blinding. I close my eyes and cover them with my hands. I wait a few minutes before I slowly take my hands off my eyes and open them. Before me was a demon that was the same height as Kenny with black hair and scarlet colored eyes. He wore a hoody that has half orange and the other half is red with a necklace that had what looked to be beasts tooth.

"Wow. Damien you summoned a bad ass. Totally my type too." I whisper the last part to Pip jokingly and he giggles a bit. Damien makes this look like he is gonna be sick. "Oh crap why you?" The demon smirks at Damien. "Hey~! If it isn't Damien! I haven't seen you in a while!"

Damien looks like he's done with everything. "Shut up. Here's the deal. You help her." He points at me with out lookin at me. "Why should I?" The new demon has a very smug look. "Because I summoned you. Now the rules say you must obey the human who summons you. Though I'm not a human so by demonic law the contract goes to the nearest human. Her." The demon laughs lightly. "They thing is she's a spirit right now. Contract doesn't go through with spirits."

I don't know why but this guy annoys me to no ends. "I'm not dead though." He turns to me and glares. "Shut up. I'm not talking to you." I stand up and walk up to him. "I'm not dead. So that means the contract does go to me." "Ha! Your dead. If you weren't you would have a body!" I point at my body in the hospital bed all hooked up. "Why are you pointing at the grandma?"

I snap. Before Damien could stop me I slug the demon square in the eye. He falls out of the summoning circle and crashes into the door. "Who the fuck are you calling a grandma?!" He looks at me shocked. "You punched me!" "Yeah I did you shit! Now your going to listen and be apart of this contract or I'll go to hell when I die and keep beating the crap out of you!" I feel everyone's eyes on me. I turn to see pip and Damien both looking at me surprised.

"You don't honestly think I was a fifteen year old that didn't know this stuff did you?" Pip nods his head and Damien is still in shock. I roll my yes and turn back to the demon who is in the ground now. "So what the fuck do you want so you'll fulfill my wish?" He starts to smile and sits up. "First off lets introduce ourselves. My name is Dew. What's your?"

I back off and sit back in the chair. "(Y/n). Now what the frick do you want in exchange for cutting my disease and making sure I live healthy beside the people I care for." He watches me. "I want your first kiss. I assume you still have that."  I give him a death glare. "No. I already gave that away to the boy I like."

He looks at me disappointed. "Hm. Then give me your voice." "No. I want to be able to sing to him when he has trouble sleeping or cheering up." He looks a tad annoyed now. "Then your sight." "No deal. I wish to be ale to see the guy I like and his beautiful ocean blue eyes and gold colored hair." Few gives me a look saying to get a room. "Then how about your touch?" I feel my face start to grow hot from my blush and I cover my face with my hands. "N-no deal..."

"Dang how much do you like this guy.... Okay. My last offer. How about your memory's?" I think on this one. "How much and what time?" "The first eight years of your life." I think long and hard. If I take this offer I will forget almost all my memories of Kenny before I moved. "That offer was tempting but no dice." He puts his hands up in the air. "Then no cure." As he starts to go back to the circle I get an idea.

"Wait. I have something else I can give you. Something you would never get the chance to do." He looks at me with an intrigued look. "And night what that be?" I take a deep breath knowing Kenny would kill at this thought. "I'll let you for 4 days every month posses me and do what ever you please as long as it doesn't harm people." Everyone gasps at my idea. "I'll take it! That's way more valuable then any stricken part of you!"

"(Y/n)?! Are you sure of this?!" I smile at Pip. "Yeah. It has a much better outcome to my opinion." I stand up and walk to Dew. "Real fast let me say by to Damien and Pip. I have a feeling the contract will send me to my body." He looks at me with a wide smile. "Yeah it will!"

I turn to Damien and Pip who have a look of worry. "Don't worry. I'll beat him up if he does anything." I give them both a hug. "Thanks for being with me guys." They hug me back. "Well you were a good friend to us. Even when we died." I feel a little sad to be leaving Pip and Damien but I feel more happiness being able to see Kenny in person again. I break the hug and go to Dew.

"So what do we do?" He smirks. "Man this is going to be fun." He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in close. "Wait?! What are-" I get cut off as he presses his lips against mine in a kiss. I don't know how long he kissed me but slowly everything went dark.

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