She's Falling

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—Kenny POV—

The day goes by and I wait for (y/n) outside the school. Class has been over for about ten minutes already and I'm starting to get concerned. Then almost as if I summoned her she comes out the door with her hoody, that's dry now but has a giant stain on it, on and has the sleeves pulled all the way down.

"Hey!" I jog up to her. She turns in surprise and pull her sleeves down more. "Hi Kenny!"
She looks nervous and I see her blush a bit. A smile creeps into my face to see her being more open with her feelings to me. "So what took you so long? Your usually out before me."

We start to walk to my house since (y/n) wanted to see Karen. "Oh the teacher wanted to talk to me in my last class. She was wondering why my hair looks like I dragged it through mud!"

The reminder of lunch today makes my blood boil. Not because (y/n) punched me or anything. But because of Wendy's actions. "Why the hell would she do that anyway?! What did you do to deserve it?" She shrugs. "She might be pissed at the fact I told Stan to breakup with her."

My feet stop moving and I turn to her in shock. "You told Stan to break up with Wendy?!" This was crazy. I knew (y/n) wanted Kyle and Stan together and that Stan and Kyle liked each other. But it didn't mean she had to push that much!

"Why would you do that?!" (Y/n) turns to me and looks me dead in the eye. "Because. Nether Kyle nor Stan were happy. And with that outcome I wasn't going to die with it!" My anger comes at the fact she's using her death as an excuse to do her reason. "Just because your dieing doesn't mean you can do that!"

She looks at me a bit hurt and I feel that I made a mistake. She drops her eyes a bit and thinks. "I know. But I don't know what the path y'all are currently taking will lead you. I am just doing what I feel is right." She turns away from me and continues to walk.

"Come on... (y/n)!" I grab her arm and she winces badly. "Ow!" I quickly let go. "Sorry! I didn't mean to grab you that hard!" She rubs her arm tenderly and smiles at me. "It's fine..." She starts to rub her arm and winces again.

My eyes narrow and I grab her arm again but more gently and pull her sleeve up fast to reveal small circular burn marks covering her arm. "When did this...?" She snatched her arm away and pulls her sleeve down.

"Who did this?!" My blood boils and I swear if anyone was in front of me that wasn't (y/n) I would beat them up. "I don't know." "How could you not know?!"

"The people who did this are NPC!!! People who don't matter to my life and have little interaction with! People I don't know!" I stiffen and try not to go beat the shit out of the random guy across the street. "So... you really don't know?"

"Yeah. Not that you could beat them with out looking to be the bad guy. There girls that all I'm sure off. Now can we stop this conversation before we say things we don't mean." She turns away from me and I see she's shaking a little.

The realization she's scared comes to me and I gently hug her. "I'm sorry..." She hugs me back. "No... it's my fault for not telling you..." I hug her a bit tighter and rest me head on her head. "No... I'm sorry for not protecting you... I'm sorry I'm so weak..." I feel a small punch hit my chin and I look down to see a angry (y/n).

"No! That's not something you apologize for! It's my problems that I brought on myself. I'll fix them and keep myself safe. If you claim my problems as your then I'll get mad and hit you!" I chuckle. "If you can!" We stop hugging and continue to go to my house while holding hands. Ya both with a light layer of blush on our faces.

A Fixer Upper [Kenny x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now