Cupid Day!

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—Your POV—

You leave your class and rush to lunch while giggling over last night when you and Kenny confessed. Even if we can't date each other, I would much rather stay as friends so that nothing hurts to much. When I reach lunch I see the table with Kyle, Cartman, Kenny, and even Stan sitting there!

I feel the joy enter my heart and I slide into my spot next to Kenny and Cartman. "Okay! So what should we do tonight?!" They all look at me like I was a kid. "Sorry (y/n). I have to watch Ike cause he is having his friends over." I feel a bit let down by Kyle but I understood saying he's the older brother.

"That's okay Kyle!" I turn to Kenny, Stan, and Cartman. "I'm having some family issues so sorry (y/n)." I smile at Kenny. "It's okay! Please let me help if I can!"

I turn to Cartman for his response. "I got work to do." I look at Cartman like he's crazy. "You have a job?! THE Eric Cartman that to my awareness everyone in town knows is a sociopath and forced a seventh grader to eat his parents, got an actual job?!"

"Hiy! I can get a job too!" I lean back a bit. "I never said you couldn't! I just thought that you would leach off your mom longer." He looks at me like I was a bug like he used to and I giggle.

"Besides that reminder or Cartman, I can't because someone got me grounded for drinking and puking on the floor in my house." Stan looks at me as the guilty suspect and I stick my tongue at him. "It's bit my fault someone didn't learn to control his gag reflex for the people you like!"

Stan blushes and I see Kyle look at me weirdly. "(Y/n)! Let's talk alone real fast!" Stan grabs me and leads me out of the cafeteria real fast and makes sure we're alone. "You can't tell anyone about that!"

I make a confused look as I look up at Stan. "Why? It's not a bad thing being gay." Stan rubs the bridge of his nose and looks at me. "That's not the problem... I don't think Kyle likes me like that!" My arms cross and I tap my foot in annoyance. "Hell. How will you know if you don't tell him?!"

He starts to get nervous and squirm. "But I'm dating Wendy!" "Then break up with her! You don't even like her anymore!" He looks at me sadly. "But she likes me still!" My anger flares up and I take my phone out from all my classes from the last month and picture I took.

"She seems to love you a 'lot' if she's kissing Jason David from my biology class!" I show him a picture of it and he looks hurt. "She must really love you if she flirts with every guy in all the classes I have and call Kyle a fag when ever she was sure you aren't around!" I don't know when this happens but I have Stan pinned against the wall like in a anime but he's taller then me still so I look up.

He looks at me shocked at all my evidence. "Now Stan Marsh. I would support you and Wendy's relationship if she wasn't a bitch that cheated on you so openly and you didn't like Kyle! But that's not how the dice rolled! So get your fucking feelings in line or I swear I'll do it my self!"

I start panting because being angry makes me tired faster. Stan looked at me, his eyes wide with shock on how strongly I feel. "Why? Why do you care so much?" I glare at him. "Because you prick. You and Kyle are my friends! I want you both to be happy! If y'all dating each other makes the both you happier then I can die in peace!"

Tears brim his eyes like he was a child that got scolded by his parents very hard. "I-i don't hunk I can do it..."

I get my breath and realize I was a bit to hard on him. "Then let's do this. Today. Breakup with Wendy. Tomorrow spend as much time with Kyle as you can. Make sure you don't do anything stupid to screw your chance up. And then on Saturday this weekend confess. You might think it's going fast paced but it's the best I got." Stan looks at me and nods his head.

"Okay... now go start getting friendly with Kyle!" Stan leaves me alone in the hall and joins everyone at the cafeteria.

I first go into the bathroom and take my medication and then leave unaware of Wendy who saw me.

•—Time Skip—•

I close my locker with and put my (f/c) backpack on and start to leave when I see a crowd. There blocking the exit so I try to force my way through when I hear what's going on. "What do you mean your breaking up with me?!" I turn and see Wendy, her face red with rage and her eyes wide in a false pleading look.

"Wendy. I know that you kissed Jason David and flirt with everyone. I've known you flirted for a while and let you off but I have had enough. I've also had enough with the on and off relationship. So I'm done." Stan looks at Wendy and turns to leave. "Stan! No! Please don't! I won't cheat on you anymore! Please stay!!! I love you!"

"Goodbye Wendy." He doesn't look back as he leaves. I whistle impressed as I then leave to head home. Unaware of the fact someone is whispering to Wendy about a certain piece of information that enraged her more.

I reach home and go to my bathroom to put my meds up. I open the cabinet and place them next to the sleeping pills my parents have for there can't sleep days. They work odd hours with there jobs and don't have a consecutive schedule so they rely on these to sleep when they can't but need to.

I go into my room alone and decide to play some games in my computer. As I play the emptiness of the people around me starts to be felt and I start to feel the hidden emotions start to rise again.

"It's fine. I'm fine. It's better they don't get to attach to me anyway." My character in the game dies and I sigh. "I wish I had more then one life..." The game over sign flashes as I go to bed early not turning my computer off.


It's the best thing to signal the down fall of my last moments.

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