The Start of a Downfall

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—Your POV—

I wake up the next day before my alarm. The suns not out but I'm not tired so I turn in my lights. I go to my desk and take out my sketchbook that I haven't touched in forever.

I look through and see my  bad drawing that was slowly improving. A giggle escapes my mouth as I see a drawing that was of Cartman, Kyle, Stan, and Kenny running from the Morgan Strison Godzilla like monster behind us.

As I look through the drawings of my memories with them I reach the last one before the pages that are blank. It's a picture of my last happy day with them before I moved. We all were playing a game at Cartman's House. Honestly my drawings sucked but I could tell they improved over the years.

I grab a pencil and start to lightly draw what happens recently to me. I drew Mysterion with Kenny standing next to him, I drew Stan and Kyle hopefully getting along and becoming friends again. I even drew Cartman! I drew him eating and calling everyone names! I laugh a bit and continue.

I draw Craig and Tweek together, I draw Wendy, I drew...

I don't know why but I stop drawing when my eyes start to tear up. "Oh come on! Stop crying! You known your end was coming for years now!" This usually would help me stop crying, but it didn't. All it did was make me cry more.

After a while I finally stop crying and wipe the tears I had away. I look out the window and the sun is starting to rise. "A new day and a start of a new day."

I go to my closet and get my clothes out. I look around and decide to wear some bland colors. I grab a (f/c) t-shirt and then cover it with a big baggy grey hoody. I put in black leggings and some grey tie up boots I had that went to my knees. I brush my hair and leave it down.

Grabbing my phone and backpack I go to the bathroom and grab the bottle of my meds and go downstairs. For the first time in a while I actually felt hungry and I check the time. 6:00 am. I had time. So I made croissants and ate them as I walked to school passing the bus stop. I wasn't ready to face everyone yet.

I reach school and everything seems normal besides that fact that hardly anyone was there. I go to my locker and get ready for class. After a bit more people start coming in as I leave my locker and go to class.

I sit in my desk the first to enter and get bored. So I start to doodle in my sketchbook of random things, not my memory sketchbook. I prop my legs up on my desk feeling extremely tired but not tired. My shoulders sag a bit as I wait. The first person to enter was someone I didn't know.

Since I don't know him he has the whole NPC thing written on his face. I don't know why but if I don't know someone this happens. Even our teachers are like this. Only PC principle isn't and Mr.Garrison, but he went to become President. 

After a while and few more people came in, Kyle comes and sits in the desk next to me. His face looks flustered and he has a light layer of blush on his face. "Hey!"

He turns and smiles at me. "Hey! I didn't see you at the bus stop this morning. Everything ok?" "Yeah. I just woke up early and walked to school." He looks at me and realized I'm wearing. "That looks kinda thin... You walked here in that?"

I smile to reassure him that I was fine. "Yeah. It's warmer then it looks. I yawn a little and realize the sleep I didn't get is catching up to me. "Oh no... seems I wound be awake for this class..." Kyle smiles at me a little. "Don't worry. I'll let you copy." "Thanks Kyle!" I lay on my desk and fall asleep as the bell rings.

I wake up suddenly as I see the class leave and Kyle shaking me. "Wha...?" "Hey (y/n)! It's time to go." I sit up and rub my face feeling like I just fell asleep. "God... that was the worst nap ever..." I get my stuff and leave with Kyle go out next class.

•—Time Skip—•

I sit in my spot between Kenny and Cartman at lunch and see Stan and Kyle sit next to each other a little less awkwardly then it was normally has been. I start to giggle happily and see Kenny smile at me. A light blush appears on my face.


The smile on my face disappears as a liquid drips off my hair into my face and drenching my clothes. Kyle has a shocked at me while Stan and Kenny turns to yell at the person who did this. But Cartman did the most surprising thing. He actually grabs a bunch of napkins and tries to help dry me.

I smile at Cartman and turn to see one of the npc girls that hang around Wendy look down on me like I was a cockroach. She ignores Kenny and Stan then turns around and leaves. Sitting at the table Wendy sat at with everyone there snickering at me.

"Are you Okay?!" "Yeah I'm Fine Guys! I just need to take this hoody off." I take off my hoody revealing my (f/c) t-shirt. I feel everyone stare at me. "What?" Before I realize it my left hand curls into a fist and collided with Kenny's face. "AH! What the hell?!"

I feel instant regret in my gut and hurry to see if he's okay. "Oh my god! Kenny I'm sorry! Are you ok?! It was just instinct!" I hear everyone laugh but me and Kenny. "Wow! (Y/n) must be physic or something! She could tell Kenny was thinking dirty thoughts with out even looking!"

"I'm so so so sorry Kenny!" Slowly Kenny starts to giggle and sits up laughing. "Dude I've never seen a girl hit you for no reason!" Everyone but me is laughing. "Guuuuys!!!!" My face must be super red right now. But it's a great that it's like that.

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