The Reunion

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Warning: Swearing

—Your POV—

Beep..... beep.... beep...
God I thought I asked for that to be muted when I'm sleeping.... I slowly wake up and the sound changes to my alarm. A growl escapes my throat as I turn it off and sit up. "God I don't want to remember that place..." I yawn and rub my eyes.

I get ready for the day and make sure I wear
(s/f/c) scarf so that Kenny can tell It's me. I walk to the mirror in the corner of the room and look at my self. "IN THE NAME OF THE MOON I SHALL PUNISH YOU!" I do the pose with the quote and see my reflection and laugh. "God I'm such a dork!"

I leave my room and head down stairs to eat my breakfast and see mom isn't home. Feel a little disappointed I grab my bag and head off to school.

—Kenny POV—
•—Time Skip—•

It's lunch now and I look around the cafeteria. I see Kyle sitting by him self and decide to head over to him. I sit down across from him. Kyle's head pops up and looks at me confused. "Why are you here Kenny? I thought you would be making out with a girl or skipping." "I'm actually meeting a girl! Trying to confirm something and she says to meet me here by you." Kyle sighs "So she invited you."

Confused I decide to ask Kyle the thing that's been bothering me. "Hey. Is it true (y/n) is back?" "Yes and she has hardly changed at all." What took me by the most surprise was that Kyle smiles after saying this. It looks relieved and happy.

"Seems y'all still haven't gotten out the habit of talking about me behind my back." I turn and see a (h/l) that's (h/c) with (e/c), standing behind me. She's wearing the (s/f/c) scarf Karen told me the girl would wear. "Hi Ken!"

I freeze. God she grew up! But we did too... Oh crap what to say what to say?!!! "Hey good looking!" God Why the fuck did I say that!!

(Y/n) gives me a look like that was the last response she was expecting. She sits next to me and starts laughing blushing a bit. "Dang Kenny! I guess the rumors and words of Stan and Cartman were true! You became a playboy!"

Dang she already knew! "So what if I have?" I sounded a bit more threatening then I meant to sound causing her to look at me surprised. "Dang Kenny. Chill. I just wanted to confirm. I also wanted to invite you to Stark's Pond this Saturday." Wait. This sounds like a date. "Wow! Just got back and already after me? Tsk tsk! Didn't think you thought of me like that?" "I don't."

"But I guess.... Eh?" "I'm not asking you out on a date. I'm inviting Kyle too." She turns and smiles at Kyle who is snickering at my reactions. I turn and look at her and she had the face of someone that's lookin down on someone. Oh god I sent her into queen mode. "Don't be so conceited to think I would go on a date with you Kenny McCormick. Especially with you turned player." I relax and laughs a bit. "Seems I missed the queen more then I thought." "I know you did!"

"So. Are you both coming or not?" Should I? Knowing her she has something planned that could mean trouble for me. "I'll go." I turn to Kyle surprised. "I don't have any plans this weekend and I do need to get out sometimes."

"Eh... if I don't have any girls over I'll go." "Oh really? Okay. So I'll mark guaranteed party of two." She smiles and I can't help but remember the past a bit and look away. "So (y/n). Lunch is almost over and I haven't seen you eat a thing yet." I look at her and see he's right. "Yeah. You use to eat more then Cartman. Why stop now? Oh wait! Are you on a diet?" I clearly am joking. "Yeah. I actually am on a diet." "Wait what?"

"When I moved away I found out actually allergic to some food so I only eat at home or food I know is safe. I forgot my lunch today and sadly I can't risk the kitchen here since Chef does." This shocks me. The (y/n) on a diet. And it's not even a diet to lose wait but a diet so she doesn't get allergy's!

"Dang and I though we changed a lot since you left." Now that I look at her, she's thinner then when she left and a bit paler too even if you would expect her to be tanner since she moved to a warmer part of the world.

The bell that signals the end of lunch rings and I stand up. "We'll see ya guys on Saturday!"
(Y/n) leaves. I have next class with Kyle so I decide to talk a bit to him. "Is she okay?"

"I... actually I'm not sure." "Wait. The reason I asked was so that you would tell me 'She's fine. She's just readjusting' or something like that." "That might be why..." Kyle doesn't look to sure about what I said and I feel a bit worried. So I decide to wear something I haven't done in quite sometime. Mysterion.

•—Time Skip—•
—Your POV—

I start to walk home when I hear the crunching of someone following me and turn around. A tall figure in a black tattered robe is standing a good twenty feet away from me. I see the scythe and understand it's death. "Mister. I know your coming for me but can you wait another 2 months at least? I don't wanna die with out saying the really important stuff first."

I was very familiar with Death. He always follows me since I became sick, but I knew him from before I became sick too. He stalked my friend Kenny. Only I could see him but I couldn't tell Kenny because as soon as I see him Kenny dies. I sigh and am glad Kenny isn't being followed by him anymore. I turn around and start heading home hearing Death start to follow me.

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