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—Kenny POV—

I leave (y/n)'s house and start to head to mine in the freezing cold after a nice hot shower with clean clothes on. The happiness and nervousness of seeing (y/n) again, and spending time with her made me feel weird in a good way.

Suddenly I am cut from my thoughts by a scream. "Karen?!" I turn and see a pair of small red gloves holding on the edge of the fence and banging from the sound of her trying to climb up. "Let go!!!" Rage starts to grow in me as the thought of my sister being attacked drives me to jump the fence. I land on top of a dog. It yelps and runs off.

God damn dog. I feel arms wrap around me and feeling the tears of Karen go through my shirt. "Karen what's wrong?! The scary dog is gone now!" I feel her face shake in a no Marion in my back. She lets go, allowing me to turn around and see she's a crying mess. "They took her!" Fear starts to creep up my back as I realize that (y/n) wasn't here. "Wait. Where's (y/n)? Who took who?" I gently pat Karen's head to help calm her down. Her greenish blue eyes are red and puffy from her crying. "A-a strange man grabbed me... and she punched him...." She hick ups as she tells me the story through her broken sobs. " and then she threw my over the fence... I-I looked through a hole in the fence.... I saw her f-fall and the guy that grabbed me with other people took her away some place!" She looks down and starts to cry more. I wrap my arms around Karen in a hug to help calm her down.

"Hey Karen. Let's go home. Then you can ask your guardian angel to help (y/n)." I pick her up and smile a reassuring smile to help sooth her. She nods and wraps her arms around my neck and lets me carry her home.

Sniffling I put Karen down in her room and hand her the doll that Kid had found when we played super heroes. "Now. I'm going to go find (y/n). Promise me you'll stay here while I'm gone." She nods her head and hugs her doll close. "Stay safe Kenny... don't get hurt please..." a smile appears on my face to reassure her. "Trust me! I'm your strong big bro! What could hurt me?" Karen giggles and hugs me.

I leave Karen's room and go to my room my smile disappearing. "Was a change of clothes affect her danger level that much?" I enter my room and lock close the door. I slide my broken closet open and change into my Mysterion costume. Opening my secret passage in my closet I army style crawl out since I've grown from the last time I used it. The last struggle was leaving out the broken washing machine in the backyard. I almost got my shoulders stuck and groan in annoyance. "I should have just used the window." Though I nearly got stuck, I made it out and rub my shoulders.

I then start to run off through the ruins of Sopa Soda as I try to search probable locations to hold (y/n). I reach the homeless camp as the final beams of light from the sun disappear. In my changed voice I decide to question some of them for information. "Hey! Have you seen a girl being kidnapped by people in black? She has (s/c) skin, (h/l) (h/c) hair and is wearing shorts with a long sleeve grey button up hoody." Some ignore me and the ones that didn't take out cups or cans and start to ask for change. I avoid the change beggars and ask the the ones ignoring me for the information. "I saw her."

I turn and see a old scraggly looking man who's whole outfit was full of holes leaning against a wall. "I'll tell you in exchange for twenty dollars." I punch the wall near his head. "Only if you tell me the information first." He gives me a look like he didn't care for my bluff. "Fine. About seven people in black took her to the abandoned building down with the big half circle window. The one those kids tried to make money off crack baby basketball I think. Now can I have my twenty dollars?" I glare at the old guy and hand him a twenty dollar bill.
I disappear into the darkness and start to jump building to building to reach my destination.

—Your POV—

Everything's black. My eyes are open but I can only see black and the border line of yellow in my upper and lower peripheral vision. The voices sound muffled and distant. My wrist hurt from them handcuffing them to hard and I feel chains around my shoulders. The old wood from the chair digs into my arms and the noise changes when people realize I'm awake. "Finally! Can someone explain why the fuck y'all kidnapped me?" Someone pulls the blind fold off me and the sudden exposure to a harsh light makes me squint my eyes in discomfort.

A Fixer Upper [Kenny x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now