Sad Drunks

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I don't know what it's like to be drunk or how they black out so don't take how I write this to be to realistic.

—Kenny POV—

I wake up and decide that today I'll find (y/n) and spend the day with them. I go to my closet and change into my orange parka and leave towards (y/n)'s house.

With every step I feel my nerves grow. She just confessed to me last night. Actually no. She told Mysterion her feelings about me. She didn't confess yet. So how am I to act?!

Before I realize it I'm already at her door. I don't know how long I stood there before the door opened to reveal (y/n) who looks to be leaving someplace. She turns and sees me and looks surprised. "K-Kenny! W-why are you here?!"

A light layer of blush appears on both our cheeks and I try to think of what to say. "I-I'm Uh.... coming to hang with you!" She looks at me sadly and sighs. "Sorry Ken. I have plans with Stan today."

I feel a stab to my heart and stiffen. "Stan?" She looks at her phone for the time. "Yeah. I'm gonna help him with his shitty girlfriend situation." I realize what that means. She's going to try to break Stan and Wendy up and make sure it's permanent. I get a bad feeling in my gut as she waits.

"So sorry Kenny but I gotta go!" She walks past me and starts sprinting down the road clearly still avoiding me. I decide not to follow and instead go to Kyle's place.

I knock hesitantly and wait for someone to respond. Kyle opens the door and gives me a disbelieving and the fuck look. "What do you want?" "Hey can I talk to you?"

Kyle hesitated before he lets me in and closes the door. I sit in the couch as Kyle joins me. "What do you want?" I start to feel nervous not wanting to get involved with this really but I decide to so that (y/n) doesn't get hurt.

"I think (y/n) is trying to break Stan and Wendy up." Kyle stiffens at this and turns to me. "Why would she do that?!" "I don't know! She just told me she was going to Stan's place to help with his shitty girlfriend problem!"

"And you didn't stop her?! Do you know what Wendy will do if she finds out that (y/n) was responsible for their breakup?!" I didn't think of Wendy. "Oh crap. Let's go top this now!" Kyle gets his jacket and shoes on and starts running with me to Stan's house.

We burst through the door to see a drunk as hell Stan and (y/n) on the couch crying there heads off. "What the hell?!"

—Your POV—

I stop on Stan's porch and try to grab my breath. When I finally got it I knocked on his door. Stan opens it and looks at me. "Hey

"Hey Stan! Ready for our drink test?" Stan gives me a hesitant look as he scratches his head. "Are you sure you want to do this with me? I'm not the best drinker of the five of us you know." I smile to help convince him.

"Yeah but what I want is someone to be there with experience! Kenny might end up flirting with me, Kyle wouldn't drink it he would make sure I don't over drink, and I don't want to know how Cartman gets. So your the best option!" Stan still looks hesitant and nervous.

"Well let me in before I freeze!!!" "Oh yeah! Sorry!" He lets in and I sit on the couch and see the table lined with beer. Stan's parents aren't home at the moment and Shelly was at her boyfriends house. "So lets start!"

A Fixer Upper [Kenny x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now