More Attention

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—Your POV—

I sit down in my desk and place my face into my hands. "Well that was very disappointing." Kyle sits at his desk. I nod my head to Kyle who is getting his things ready for the class. He had to do a pick up line to me. "Why a pick up line? And why such a bad one too?" Kyle shrugs. "Maybe he panicked when he saw you wear that outfit at school? It looks pretty normal." Giving Kyle a exhausted sigh I lay my head on my arms.

Ever since I came back guys have been hitting on me. I no longer look sickly and no longer wore my obvious "I'm a nerd" look to keep people away so guys are trying to get in my pants. "No. Kenny seen me wear this yesterday. Jesus Christ I hardly got any sleep." Again I couldn't do anything hut think of the fact that I kissed Kenny. The only difference is that I have been to busy dealing with other guys now to actually get flustered over it.Kyle pats my head and class begins.

•—Time Skip by My little bro—•

I sit at the normal lunch table between Kenny and Cartman with my food. Before anyone could say anything to me I start eating. "So seems Kenny has competition." "PFT!" Food nearly falls from my mouth while I was eating because of Cartman's comment. I finish the food in my mouth and starts coughing. Kenny rubs my back to help and I finally stop. "Thanks. And Cartman!" I glare at him angrily as he continues to eat. "Well it's true. Since you got better you became more beautiful so other guys are noticing you more." Kenny's expression changes a bit.

Cartman laughs a little. "It doesn't help your wearing an actual outfit and not the nerd gear!" I gently punch Cartman in the arm. Kenny was looking at the table weirdly so I poke him. He jumps a little as if he was in his thoughts and looks around. "Dude. You ok?" He turns to me and smiles. "Yeah. Everything's fine." He sounds a bit weird and looks away from me. He must be tired still from last night.

—Kenny POV—

I didn't think of it. The fact was that (y/n) is more beautiful then when she first came. Her (s/c) skin wasn't pale anymore and her (e/c) seem to actually shine now. Her hair isn't as frizzy as it used to be! She dressed up nicely and looked almost like a completely different person. "Hey! Does anyone want to watch a new anime with me this weekend?" Though her personality hasn't changed at all. I can't help but smile at this.

The bells rings dismissing lunch. "I'll join you for that anime session this weekend." (Y/n) turns to me and smiles and looks excited. "Yeh! Thanks Kenny!" She hugs me and then heads off with Stan and Cartman to class. My face burns from the blush and I quickly pull my hood on so no one sees me, the playboy of the school, blushing.

I look out to see Kyle with a weird look. "What's up Kyle?" His face looks like he wants to sock me. "Understand that I consider to be (y/n)'s best friend. Not super but for sure best. So I would appreciate it if you would not mess with her or hurt her in anyway." Kyle's eyes change into a red color and a evil smirk appears. "I second that. Understand Kenny. The demon Dew will always be watching you." Kyle's eyes change back and he looks around confused. That wasn't Kyle.

Okay. I swear to god I nearly pissed my pants at that last part. "I had no intention of doing such a thing." I look at Kyle dead in the eyes with the most serious look I could make. He smiles and leaves. "Good Kenny!" I get up and leave while Kyle leaves the other way. "Holy shit Kyle..." Entering my next class I sit at my desk.

Kyle was acting weird at that last part and I know it wasn't him. Being someone who has gone to hell and back quite a few times I could tell that it was a demon. Now that I think of it Kyle actually mentioned when (y/n) first got out of the hospital that she developed another personality that called its self Dew, and that it said it was a demon. Maybe it was really a demon. I'll have to ask (y/n) about it after school.

A Fixer Upper [Kenny x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now