January 20th, 2018

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Well, sometime last week. I was found out by the White House.

I don't know how.

But honestly, I don't even know anymore. My government is in a damn shutdown.

My boss is just......

Everyone hates me.

I swear I'm gonna end it one day...

One day.......

Anyway, I'm still in California. I haven't went back to D.C. yet.

Cause I know, they're still there. And I bet they won't leave. I've been ignoring their calls and texts.

But they all know my houses and apartments so they're bound to find me soon.

I can't- I just can't go back. They don't care. I'm such a burden anyway.

All they want to do is get me fatter.....

I've been able to get my hands on some razors again. I passed out eariler due to some blood loss or maybe because I haven't been eating lately.


My dear sister, Scyhelles, decided to text me that there was a meeting coming up.....

Like she gives a damn if I'm there or not.

All that's gonna happen is, Iggy and Francis and most of the world are gonna harass me again. And blame me for everything.... again.

I don't even think I'm gonna bother going to the Winter Games in South Korea.

It's not like anybody will want me there.

Dammit!! Why won't Mar stop calling me?

Can't they tell?

I just want to be left alone.


Wow guys, I'm so sorry for the lack of updates. It's been 10 days.

I don't know whether I'ma keep going with this book being depressing or make it have a turning point soon and have things start to change.

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