I'm hanging with the American states. cities and territories and Canadian provinces, cities, and territories. It's been awhile since I actually spent some time with a lot of the younger ones.
I hope they don't feel awkward around me.
Mattie went up North for a meeting with his government. He'll be back in like, maybe 3 days? I could be wrong.
Anyway, so far. It's been really fun, we've all been watching movies and just eating popcorn and chicken and yeah. I wasn't really eating at first, but than Louisiana and New Orleans seemed to have known and forced me too.
So yeah.
France called earlier, I didn't pick up. I really don't want to hear from him.
So he texted instead.
And was all like, 'How can you say that to your father and you're becoming very unruly again' and all that bullshit.
I'm so fucking sick of them.
But one thing I realized is, he said I'm becoming unruly again. At the meeting in Brazil, England also said when used to be 'bloody unruly'......
I don't know.... I remember going with England and France when I was younger but... Man, what if we were kidnapped?
I feel sick now, maybe I shouldn't think of that.
I talked to the Mexs and Chile earlier, apparently Spain wants to have some kind of family reunion or something. He wants all his colonies to come over.
I think the other former Spanish colonies said yes, but South and Diego said no. Surprisingly, Mar wants to go, she says she doesn't give a shit about Spain but wants to go find something out.
I wonder what.
And, I honestly have to say, I think it's been pretty hard on the Mexs since we learned about our past with the Nordics. They both have a certain look in their eyes that really seems like they want to know more. It kinda shows a bit of sadness. We have Portugal though....
I wonder if there's a way we can have both, the Nordics and Portugal.
Well, I got to go. The next movie's gonna be played soon.
I would give a little warning of what's ahead, but nah.
FanfictionMany things fall. Such as heros. All heros eventually fall. Some because of a villian. But America? No, this hero was falling to something else. Something worst. Something more painful. He was falling to those he thought we're his friends and fami...