Chapter 4

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        Dr. Woodrue motioned for his assistants to come back into the room. They rushed in, hoping to revive my dead body. They shocked me with a defibrillator (that they got from who knows where) a couple times. No use. By the third time, though, my heart picked up again. It began to beat at a normal pace and I suddenly came to. My eyes fluttered open and with a gasp for air, I looked around in a panic. Trying to control myself from freaking out, I took deep breaths. The assistants took me out of the straps and I slowly sat up on the table. Dr. Woodrue looked at me with excitement.

        "Glad you could remain with us, Ms. Isley." He grinned at me. I ignored him and looked around, taking in what had happened. I soon realized that I was dead for a few minutes. I narrowed  my eyes at Dr. Woodrue as he stepped closer to me. He looked me up and down. I glanced to the side and noticed a lab assistant opening the door slowly…

        "My, my, what a trooper-" I cut off Dr. Woodrue's sentence as I bolted out of the room, pushing the man who opened the door out of the way.

        As Dr. Woodrue called for his assistants to come after me, I ran as fast as I could. My breathing got shaky as I fumbled in my purse for my keys. Finally getting them out, I pushed open the front doors of the greenhouse and nearly tripped on the stairs. I ran to my black Toyota Highlander and started the car. The assistants ran out of the greenhouse, hoping to stop me. I strapped on my seatbelt and raced off down the street. I told myself I would never go back there again.

        Still shaking from the experiment, I stared at the road. Where was I going? Harvey's house. I needed to see him. I needed to tell him what had happened. I tried to collect myself and control my breathing. But I just couldn't believe Dr. Woodrue did that to me. But what exactly DID he do to me? I looked down at my hands on the steering wheel for a moment and noticed my veins were a bit more noticeable. Green, even. Gripping tighter on the steering wheel, I shook my head and put my attention back on the road.

        Soon, I pulled up to Harvey’s driveway. I licked my lips which seemed to be very dry. Probably a side effect from that awful experiment or something. I shuffled through my bag and found the new lipstick Clara had given me earlier that day. I pulled down the sun visor and flipped up the mirror so I could apply the lipstick. I gasped a little as I saw the veins in my eyes were now more defined. My already green eyes were now a brighter shade. I rubbed my eyes to remove any dry tears then sighed. I got out of my car and walked up the steps to his door. I knocked a few times, and noticed my hands were still a bit shaky. Though, before I could do anything about it, my boyfriend opened the door.

        "Harvey." I almost whispered, absolutely relieved that he was home.

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