Chapter 11

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        Sunlight shined through my living room windows. My eyebrows narrowed in annoyance as the strands of light hovered over my closed eyes. I went to turn over but my arm whacked into the cabinet I laid beside. My eyes opened slowly then quickly shut at the brightness upon my face. I groaned loudly, then turned the other way. My shoulder landed on a broken piece of glass which caused my eyes to shoot open once more. I gasped in pain while pulling the glass out as carefully as my hungover body could. I tossed it to the side then rubbed my eyes. Looking around the destroyed rooms, I barely remembered actually causing that wreck. I did, however, remember the little talk I had with my subconscious. That would unfortunately never go away. I stumbled to my feet, using the countertops in front of me for balance. I walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water, gulping it down my surprisingly dry throat. Suddenly, I remembered Harvey. I had to visit him. I hadn’t seen him since a few days prior. Was he ok? Was he… a-alive? I tossed the water bottle back in the fridge and hopped over the broken glass, nearly falling over in the process. I stopped in the doorframe of my bedroom, everything spinning around me. After a moment of watching the out of focus clock tick on the far wall, it eventually became clearer. 1:30 p.m. I gulped nervously at the fact that I had been asleep so long, only for the light to wake me then. I needed to see Harvey. I’ve waited too long. After composing myself, I finally made it to my closet and put on some new clothes as well as perfume to mask the smell of alcohol I received from the previous night. I grabbed my purse and glanced inside, spotting the poison ivy lipstick. I gave it a small smile then walked out the door. That lipstick would forever go everywhere I went.

        Finally making it to the hospital, I hoped he would forgive me for what I had done. He had to know it was a mistake, right? I made it down the hall where Harvey’s room was and that’s when I saw him… awake. I breathed a sigh of relief and started running towards the window to his room when I stopped short. A doctor was in there. I couldn’t hear what they were saying but Harvey’s face said it all: The doctor told him about the poisoning. Harvey looked so distraught. He placed his head in his hands then ran one hand through his hair. He was obviously shocked by whatever the doctor had said. That’s when I realized… he must’ve told him I did it. He must not have explained that it was an accident!

         Harvey, no! I screamed in my head, but my feet remained glued to the floor. My breathing became irregular once more and I shook my head. No, no, no. Harvey, I would never mean to poison you!

        Harvey looked down then back at the doctor, his lips moving for the first time that I could see.

       “Find her.” He said, if I read his lips correctly. My jaw dropped. He wanted me found? B-By who? The police? He wanted me arrested? He wanted nothing to do with me?! I felt the tears coming again and I simply ran the other way, down the hall, and out the door.

         He hated me now. I knew it. He felt so betrayed by my mistake that he wanted nothing to do with me ever again. Oh, how my heart felt like it snapped in two. I simply jumped into my car and drove off. I didn’t know where I was going, and I didn’t care. I needed out.

         I angrily wiped my watery eyes then glared at the road, my hands gripping tightly onto the steering wheel. Woodrue was dead. I blamed him for everything but it wasn’t like I could go off to get revenge. I already did. If none of this happened…

         No, Pamela. Don’t be weak. Not again. Not ever.

         I pulled into a place called The Iceberg Lounge. I had never been there before but I just needed to go somewhere to get my mind off of everything. When I walked inside, I realized it was a nightclub. Obviously, being the afternoon, there weren’t too many people there. Low music. No bright flashing lights. Just the bar. I took a breath as I walked further into the building. I sat at the bar but ordered nothing. I had enough alcohol for the whole year. I ran my hands through my red hair, regulating my breathing pattern. I placed one hand back on the countertop, tapping my fingers to whatever music was playing in the background. What was I going to do? Run away? No, stop thinking about it, Pam. Don’t think about anything. I tried to listen to the music more than my own head.

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