Chapter 3

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        A few months had passed and I learned quite a lot in Dr. Woodrue's greenhouse. I was soon his favorite pupil and he seemed to trust me with his work. Going to his lab was usually the highlight of my days. That is, if I didn't see Harvey. Though, the idiots at work were still being…well, idiots. But even still, everything seemed to be going great in my life! I never expected something so dramatic to happen. I never expected my life to flip upside down. Oh, I suppose I should elaborate on that day…

        Sitting at my desk, I worked at Clara's Cosmetics, typing away. Suddenly, I felt an all too familiar tap on my shoulder.

        Without looking up, I rolled my eyes and muttered, "Please go away, Jeremy."

        "Jeremy? Is that boy bothering you?" I heard my boss say in her usual soothing tone.

        I looked up and quickly apologized, "Oh, Ms. Hill… I mean, Cl-Clara. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean…" She put a hand in the air as if to say, 'no worries'. I took a breath and she smiled.

        "That's quite alright, darling. I'll be sure to have a talk with him." She then pulled something out of her purse and handed it to me. I looked down at it; my eyes widened slightly. I looked back up at her.

        "This is the…the lipstick that's-"

        "...coming out next season. Yes, darling, I know." I placed the lipstick in my purse that was sitting on my desk as she explained further. 

        "I just thought I'd give you something special. And I know how much you love plants. I made sure it was all very organic, dear." I got up and gave her a hug.

        "Thank you, Clara!" I let go of her and she smiled at me.

        "No problem, darling. No problem at all!" She replied. I sat back at my desk and watched her leave. She made a stop at Jeremy’s cubicle and I saw her lead him into her office. I chuckled to myself. Busted!

        The day dragged on and it finally became time to go to my internship. I arrived on time, as usual, and met Dr. Woodrue in the lab.

        "Afternoon!" I said cheerfully, completely unaware of what fate had in store for me that day. Dr. Woodrue was putting some sort of chemical into a needle.

        "Good afternoon, Ms. Isley." He replied without taking his eyes off the needle. He tapped it then turned to me. I looked at him curiously.

        "What's that for?" He grinned and a hint of evil flashed in his hazel eyes. I took a step back. "Dr. Woodrue…?" He stepped closer to me and grabbed my wrist. I struggled to pull away. Now, I was panicking.

        "No need to worry, my dear. I only need to test this on you." He said calmly. I looked from him to the needle and back to him. I shook my head.

        "But, Ms. Isley, it's for the good of science!"

        He pulled me closer and lead me to the back room which now had a giant table with straps on them. My heart raced as I tried to make sense of the situation. He wouldn't hurt me. He knows what he's doing…right? I'm his protégé! He shut the door behind him and gestured towards the table. I paused.

        "Tell me what it does. Why are you testing a chemical made for plants on a human?!" My breathing got shaky.

        "But, Ms. Isley! That's the very point! These chemicals help prevent plants from being harmed from pesticides. Imagine the possibility if a human had that power. Preventing diseases. No more common cold! No more cancer! Wouldn't you want that?" He let go of my wrist and I backed up a bit, bumping into the table.

        "I…I guess that sounds…n-nice." I managed to say quietly. He smirked.

        "Then let me help you. Let me…heal you." He gestured to the metal table and I eyed it, not sure what to do. It didn't appear I had a choice. And at that point in my life, I was weak. So very, very weak. I was much too easy to take advantage of. I panicked. I didn't know what to say or do. And before I even said anything, Dr. Woodrue got impatient and had his assistants strap me onto the table.

        "N-No! Wait! I…I don't want to! Please!" I begged, struggling to get out of the restraints but it was no use. His assistants hooked up heart monitors onto me. I continued to beg and plead but he didn't listen to me. "Dr. Woodrue! PLEASE! Stop this! You…You don't know the side effects! You don't know w-what this could do t-to me!"

        Tears started to stream down my face. He looked at me unfazed. What a monster. He didn't even care he was about to destroy a poor woman's life. He motioned for his assistants to leave the room and watch from a one-way window.

        He pressed on the inside of my elbow, trying to pop a vein up. I continued to struggle while trying to convince him to stop with my useless words. He brought the needle to my skin. I shut my eyes tight and turned my head the other way. I screamed in pain as the chemical flowed through my vein. It felt like fire was burning inside of me and that fire traveled through my entire body. And it wasn't quick.

        Dr. Woodrue stepped back with the now empty needle and watched me squirm and cry in pain. The constant beeping of the heart monitor didn't help me remain calm either! Then, I felt the chemical flow into my heart. My eyes shot open and I gasped for air. I felt like I was choking. I felt like I was…dying. My whole body jerked up and down a bit before shaking. The pain was unbearable. With a final gasp for air, I shut my eyes, then passed out. The beeping of the heart monitor slowed down before finally stopping at a flat line.

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