Chapter 5

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        I ran into his arms, hugging him tight. Harvey chuckled.

        "Nice to see you too, Pam." He hugged me back with a smile, but I wouldn't let go. That's when he got concerned.

        "Pam, what's wrong? What happened?" He guided me into his house and closed the front door behind us. I shakily held onto him as he lead me to his couch. He sat me down on it and I shook my head, looking down. He knelt down beside me, holding onto my hands.

        "Pamela, honey, what's wrong?" His concerned, blue eyes looked at me as I shook my head some more.

        "It…It was awful. D-Dr. Woodrue…" I tried to explain to him. He lifted my chin up then gasped lightly as he saw my eyes were brighter than before. I looked into his eyes and sighed, tears forming in mine.

        "He…He did that to me." I put up my arm to show him my green veins. Harvey grazed his finger over it then looked me in the eyes again. In shock all he could say was, "How?" I took a breath and my lip quivered as I spoke.

        "He injected me with some chemical t-that we use on the plants… to make them immune to poisons and p-pesticides. He t-thought it could prevent illnesses in humans…" Harvey looked mad, not at me, but at Dr. Woodrue. Then his expression softened and he pulled me into a hug.

        "Shhh… ok, ok…" I cried into his shoulder.

        "Harvey, I… I don’t know wh-what to do…" He was about to speak when I added something else, in a whisper.

        "I think I died." Harvey pulled away from me, his eyes wide. After a moment of shock, he looked me sternly in the eyes. He picked my head up, his hand under my chin.

        "I will track down that bastard and he'll pay a life sentence in prison. I promise you." I nodded slowly, taking in his words. Part of me said, 'he deserves more than life imprisonment' but I quickly shushed that part of my brain. He then sat on the couch with me and wiped the tears from my eyes. He caressed my cheek and I let out a small smile. I didn't know what I would do if he wasn't in my life. He smiled back at me then leaned forward. I closed my eyes and our lips touched. I kissed him but after a moment, he ripped himself away from me. My eyes shot open and I saw his lips bubbling up. I gasped and jerked back a bit.

        "Harvey?!" He had his hand grasped around his throat, choking. He fell off the coach, gasping for air. 

        "HARVEY!" I stood up, in complete shock. I didn't know what to do. I panicked and quickly pulled out my cell phone, dialing 911. I told them what was happening as I started crying again. The lady on the phone said an ambulance was on it's way. I had to watch the love of my life shake in pain…cough and gasp for air…and I had no idea why. Finally, he passed out. I fell to my knees beside him and lifted his head off the ground.

         "Harvey…Harvey, please. Please, Harvey! Don't…Don't do this. Stay with me! Please!" I sobbed while cradling him in my arms. A few minutes passed. The paramedics had arrived and quickly took him away from my grasp.

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