Chapter 6

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        A day passed. I sat in the waiting room of the hospital, my head in my hands. How did this happen? Could anything else possibly go wrong? I heard footsteps approach, and I picked my head up. A doctor stood before me, clipboard in hand.

        "Ms. Isley?" He read off his clipboard. I nodded and he continued to speak. "Your boyfriend has been poisoned. The police are investigating how this happened and would like to question you."

        "Question me?" I inquired. Before the doctor could reply, a cop from the GCPD entered the room. Captain Gordon looked at the doctor.

        "I'll take it from here." Gordon ordered. The doctor left and I stood up to face the captain.

        "You think I would poison my own boyfriend?" I asked with a bit of attitude in my voice. This whole situation had had me on edge. Gordon put a hand in the air.

        "I don't like to assume anything. But, I need to make sure we don't overlook anything either." He told me. I looked away, annoyed. Gordon gestured to the door. Through the glass window,  I glanced at Harvey’s perfectly still body attached to beeping machines as I reluctantly followed Gordon out of the hospital.

        Gordon brought me to his police car and we drove off in silence. He wasn't going to ask me anything just yet. We arrived at the GCPD and I trudged behind him as he lead me to the interrogation room. I rolled my eyes and took a seat across from him. I couldn't believe they were really going to question me.

        "Well, let's get right into it, shall we?" Gordon straightened his jacket as he took a seat and I nodded, crossing my arms. The sooner I could get this over with, the better.

        "Were you the only one to visit him last night?"

        "I'm not sure."

        "Why did you go there?" He raised an eyebrow. I glared at him slightly, my nerves getting to me.

        "I didn't go there to poison him. That's for sure!"

        "I didn't say you did. Now, please answer the question." I sunk further into my chair and sighed. There was no way I'd tell him about Dr. Woodrue. Harvey already said he'd deal with him. Though, he was in a coma at that moment. I didn't seem to have many options. I looked around the room, avoiding eye contact with the captain. But he brought them back to him by interrupting my thoughts.



        "Why did you go to his house yesterday?"

        "Can't a girl visit her boyfriend?" I lied. But it worked, as Gordon nodded.

        "Fair enough," he began again, "I apologize for the personal questions but it is the only way we can get to the bottom of this." I simply nodded, pretending that I understood. In reality, though, I just wished he'd shut up and let me leave.

        "Now, tell me everything that happened last night." His brown eyes caught sight of my vibrant green ones. I quickly looked away.

        "I came to his house, we sat on the couch and talked. Then he collapsed." I glanced back at him and shrugged.

        "Did he eat or drink anything?" The captain inquired, leaning his arms on the table in front of us. I shook my head.

        “Have you changed any of your soaps? Perfume? Anything that might have triggered this reaction?” I thought about his question for a moment then shook my head. I don’t think anything has changed…

        "What about physical contact?" His eyes examined my face as if examining for lies. I raised an eyebrow and paused.

        "Well, we did kiss right before he collapsed." I admitted, though I doubted that would connect anything. However, Gordon looked at me as though he had a hunch.

        "Were you wearing lipstick or lip-gloss…?" He questioned. Poison in lipstick? How much more idiotic could his accusations get?

        "Yes, I work at a cosmetic company after all. It's a new, organic product. However, I doubt there'd be poison in it." I snap at him then mentally add, "Moron."

        Gordon asked to see it so I took it out of my purse and handed it to him. He examined it then finally said, "Give me a minute." and left the room. He won't find anything. It's impossible…right?

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