Chapter 9

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        Dr. Woodrue. The name was acid on my tongue now. All my idols. All the people I admired had turned against me. Especially him. Why was I so ignorant? Why was I so blind?! I couldn’t see that he was simply using me the entire time! He didn’t want an intern; a protégé. He wanted a test subject. A weak, gullible test subject. And I was sickeningly perfect for the job.

        Here I was, his twisted greenhouse. Once so beautiful, now so horrid. I was there to set things straight. To make things right. I only hoped what I planned to do was the right thing. But, my mind was broken. My heart was shattered. It was so hard to focus without breaking down but I managed to do it. I picked my chin up and walked into the greenhouse. It had gotten later in the day, so the glass walls that once brought in beautiful light, created an eerie darkness. The plants swayed as a gush of wind ran through when I opened the door. It caused a shiver to crawl down my spine. I cautiously closed the door with a deep breath. I turned back around and ventured deeper into the indoor forest. That’s when my emerald eyes found where I believed him to be: his lab. I stood straighter and pulled my shirt down. I picked my chin up once more and looked the door up and down. Come on, Pam. You can do this. I thought. I strutted towards the lab door and as I touched it, flashbacks came to me. Flashbacks of me pushing my way through to escape. My hand came back to me as if I had just touched a flame. I glared at the door and pushed it open forcefully, not caring who heard anymore. Not caring to be a quiet predator. I just wanted to get this done. I was tired of being weak. I was tired of being gullible. This was my time to be the boss. He would beg for mercy.

        The door slammed against the wall behind it and that was the only noise heard. I examined the overly quiet area. There was no one there. I stomped my foot on the ground in anger and ran to one of the experimental tables where I was about to knock over anything I could get my hands on. But, I paused as I saw a vial. Was this the liquid they injected me with? My eyes widened and I slowly reached out to pick it up.


        I stood still. A gun had loaded behind me. Oh, Dr. Woodrue, why must you make things so difficult?

        “I was so hoping you’d return, Pamela.” His sly tone spoke. I slowly turned around, my hands up in surrender. I wasn’t giving up. Oh, no. I simply needed to make him believe I was.

        “And why’s that?” I asked, eyeing the gun he had aimed for my heart. I had hoped he wasn’t a good shot.

        “Why, you’re my experiment! I couldn’t have you go rogue on me without examining the side effects.” He took a step closer to me, examining my features. I took a step back.

        “Your eyes!” He leaned his head closer as if to look deeper into them, “They’re magnificent!”

        I rolled my eyes and shrugged, “Just as magnificent as my veins.” I shook my wrists and he lowered his gun to take a step closer. He grabbed hold of one of my wrists and I gulped silently. I never wanted this man to touch me again. He quickly placed the gun on the table and used both hands to examine my wrists where my green veins flowed.

        “Extraordinary!” He exclaimed, completely immersed in his own thoughts. I glanced at the gun. It was just in my reach. I could do it. I could kill him. Right then, I could do it. I pondered it for a while but before I could make my decision, he looked back up at me. I thought I had lost my chance. I gave a slight frown and examined his face. That craziness was still there inside the sick monster’s hazel eyes. It was hard to escape their sight.

        “Pamela, dear, you must let me run some tests.” He insisted, making it sound like it was nothing. I narrowed my eyes at him.

        “I don’t think so.” I whipped my hand away from his grasp. He glared a bit and shook his head.

        “I don’t think you understand…” He spoke, as he reached for his gun once more. He put it beneath my chin. I clenched my fists and bit my lip, looking coldly at the man threatening me, “It’s not a question.”

        It seemed like a millennia passed as we had our little stare down. However, it was only really a moment.

        “I don’t take orders from men like you anymore.” I stated matter of factly then quickly grabbed the gun, pushing it upwards, away from my chin. He shot it off and the bullet hit the ceiling. We struggled for control over the weapon, then I kicked him away. He stumbled backwards, his grip falling from the gun. I smirked ever so slightly and held the gun properly. He marched towards me but I stopped him by holding it up, pointing at his heart. I knew I wasn’t a good shot. I had never shot a gun in my life. But he didn’t know that. He hardly knew anything about me.

        “In fact,” My tone became more threatening as the sentence went on, “I don’t take orders from men. Period.” I took a few steps closer. In that moment, where his evil eyes watched the gun, was where I knew I enjoyed being on top. I knew that I wouldn’t take orders from anyone, anymore. With every step I took, he took one back until he was up against the wall and I held the gun against his chest. I didn’t need to be a good shot to pull the trigger then. I leaned in closer, whispering in his ear, “I don’t take orders from anyone.” I heard him gulp nervously.

        “You’re just an experiment gone wrong, Isley!” He said, a crack in his voice. I looked at him, surprised by his accusation.

        “Gone wrong? I believe it went right! You’re the one who said I was extraordinary. I’m simply living up to those standards.” I narrowed my eyes into a glare.

        “Fine, fine. You’re correct. I did say that.” Was he begging? I believed he was. “Just, put the gun down and we can try to discuss this. Like normal people.” I looked down at the gun I was holding and smirked a bit.

        “Oh, darling, we aren’t normal. You’re monstrous,” I tossed the gun to the side, “And I’m poisonous.” I grabbed his face and kissed him hard. He looked at me with wide eyes, unsure of what was happening. I simply looked back at him with the same evil twinkle he had in his own eyes when he made me what I am. We kept that gaze until the kiss ended and I was sure my venomous lips would do the job. I let go of him and he almost instantly slid down the wall. His hands went to his neck, in a desperate attempt to get air. He gasped and wheezed, coughing here and there. His eyes looked up at me in shock. My eyes looked down at him with hatred.

        “How’s that for a side effect?” I spat, kicking him hard on the side. The wind got knocked out of him and he landed on the floor, laying on his other side. He coughed violently then...silence. That small smirk that had played on and off my lips had finally grown into a satisfied grin. He finally got what he deserved. That is, if he was dead. That lingering thought of Harvey in a coma got brought to the front of my mind. I leaned down beside him and checked his pulse. It was extremely light, but still there. I looked around and got back up, reaching for the cabinets. I opened one and retrieved his lab coat that was hanging so neatly inside. I folded it up and placed it firmly over his mouth and nose to insure he’d suffocate. I stood back up and looked around the room. I had to take these chemicals away from this place. His employees would no doubt find him here and I don’t want any of them to take up the mantle as the new boss. Without their equipment, they’d have a pretty hard time doing anything. So, I took everything. Placed it in the back of my car along with Clara’s products. On my last trip inside to grab some more chemicals, I glanced at the dead body against the wall and shook my head. He deserved it. I repeated in my mind. He deserved it.

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