Chapter 7

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        Captain Gordon returned to the room a few hours later with a very blank expression. I sat up straighter in my chair and questioned him with my eyes. He stood in front of me, wondering if he should sit down. I raised an eyebrow at his uncertainty but then he finally did take a seat. I was about to ask what happened but he spoke up first.

        "The poison found in Harvey Dent’s system was from poison ivy extract. It started from his lips then dispersed to the rest of his body, placing him in that coma. Obviously, this isn't any regular poison ivy. This lipstick," He pulled it out from his pocket, "contains organic material…including poison ivy extract. That mixed with the other components of this lipstick created a type of toxin. However, when you put it on, you survived. When you kissed him… well, let's just say if he had it on him any longer, it would've killed him."

        My eyes widened at all this information. What was I supposed to say to that? I…I nearly killed him? Why would they put poison ivy in a lip stick? Gordon must have seen I had many questions flying through my mind, because he just continued to speak.

        "We are already going to your work to find out more about this lipstick and how the poison ivy got integrated into the mix. My team is already working on an antidote. So, don't worry." He tried to console me but my mind just kept racing. Clara betrayed me. Did she mean to? And how was I not affected by this toxin? Dr. Woodrue? The experiment must've made me immune. Well, I'll be sure to pay them both a visit. I can't let them get away with this. I can't. I looked back at Captain Gordon.

        "How did you survive the poison, Pamela?"

        "I want to go home." I avoided his question as soon as he asked it. He looked at me curiously, questioning my eagerness to leave.

        "I'm afraid I can't let you leave. You're a suspect now."

        "A suspect?! All I did was wear some stupid lipstick!" I slammed my hand on the table. Where did all this anger come from? I was usually a very polite person, wasn't I? "I didn't know that if I kissed him, he'd be put in a coma! Why on Earth would I want that to happen?"

        "Pamela, please calm down. It's just standard procedure."

        "Your procedure is idiotic! I want to go home! You can't keep me here!"

        "In fact, we can. And we will. Only until we find out more about the situation." He explained. I stood up angrily and glared at the captain as more cops entered the room.

        Gordon raised his hand, signaling them to stand down. He got up and followed them out the door without another word. I kicked the table, causing it to slide forward slightly. I slid back into my chair. This was ridiculous! If anyone should investigate things, it should be me. It's my fault that this all happened! After my little tantrum, I took a breath and began to look around.

        I noticed a cop guarding from the outside of the door. I narrowed my eyes at him through the glass window. I decided enough was enough and that I had to get out of there. So, I walked over nonchalantly and tapped on the glass window. Though, he pretended not to notice me there.

        "Hey there, handsome. You can't keep me locked in here the whole night, can you?" I say through the glass with a certain flirtatious tone. Where did that come from? He ignored me but I knew he could hear me. What could I do to get out of here? I looked around the room for an idea then smirked and spoke through the door once more.

        "I need to use the ladies' room. Couldn’t you at least let me out for that? I won't bite." He turned to me and I batted my eyelashes. He looked me up and down then opened the door. I walked out. He guided me down the hallway I came in then turned a corner and pointed to the bathrooms.

        “I’m supposed to watch you. I’ll be standing right out here. Don’t try anything.” He warned. I waved a hand in the air.

        "You’re talking like I’m a criminal. We all know I didn’t do it." I spoke in that same tone. I didn't know where this manipulative nature came from, but I enjoyed it.

        “Just making sure, Miss.” He said  as I entered the bathroom. I mentally chuckled. Too easy. I searched the bathroom for a way out and noticed a small window, though it was just about big enough for me to get through. I quietly opened it and slipped through, landing on the grass outside. Now, where to go? I think I'll start with Clara's Cosmetics.  

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