Chapter 8

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        After walking back towards the hospital, which wasn’t too far, I got back in my car and gripped tightly onto the steering wheel. I glanced at the hospital and mentally promised  Harvey I’d return. I drove off to Clara’s Cosmetics Company on the other side of town. I noticed police cars up ahead so I parked down the block, so I wouldn’t be noticed. I watched them as well as I could, though the distance made it difficult. So, I got out of the car and cautiously made my way  close enough to the building to hear and see, but far enough not to be seen myself. I leaned against a nearby building and peaked my head out slightly to watch. I had only heard the last part of the conversation.

        “Ma'am, we need to search the premises.”  A young, male officer insisted. Clara shook her head.

        “And I told you, I won’t let you come in unless you have a search warrant. Get one and then I’ll let you in.” She crossed her arms, looking the men up and down. The policemen nodded to each other and agreed to get her a warrant. They said they’d return soon. Good, that was my chance. Clara walked back into the building and the cops left quickly. As soon as I didn’t see them anymore, I stood up tall and strutted over to the building. I needed answers and I was certain, I’d get them. I walked in just in time to see Clara go in the elevator. I  waited for it to come back down then went in myself. I knew where she was going: her office. However, it was closing time, so the idiots had probably left by now.

She always stayed after. When I reached the floor, I walked straight into her office, as her door was open, and leaned against the door frame.

        “Will I need a warrant?” I ask with a sarcastic tone, though it scared her nevertheless. Clara jerked in her seat slightly and looked me up and down.

        “O-Oh, Pamela… Pamela, darling, you scared me. No, you don’t need a warrant, silly. Come, sit down. What are you doing her-”

        I cut her off by slamming my fist on her desk. I stared into her eyes and spoke in a serious, almost threatening voice.

        “Why did you have poison ivy extract in the lipstick you gave me?”

        She looked me up and down, warily, obviously uneased by my glare. She gulped silently, but I saw her throat move. I was watching her every move. She took a breath then raised a hand, to try and calm me.

        “Pamela, let’s sit and talk about this. No need to interrogate me.”  

        “Oh, I think there is a need.” I leaned my hands on the desk, looking down at her with cold eyes. “Tell me, now.”

        Clara put both hands up, now, in defense. “Alright, alright.” She clasped them together and set them on the desk, looking at me sadly. I didn’t need sympathy. I needed answers.

        “I had ordered another plant to be put into the lipstick. It just so happened to be mistaken with poison ivy. They looked very similar and the labels got switched. I promise you, dear, I had no idea until after I gave it to you. By then, you were gone.”

        I sighed angrily and look away for a moment. People can be so idiotic! I returned my eyes back to hers and spoke through gritted teeth, “And you couldn’t have called me?”

        Clara looked down, ashamed, “I didn’t think it’d do much harm. I didn’t think. I thought I could inform you the next day.” She looked up at me again,  “Darling, I’m so sorry, you have to forgive me.”  

        The cops obviously told her what had happened to Harvey. She had that look in her eyes. I leaned off the desk, harshly throwing it off balance for a moment. Her pens and pencils rattled in her pencil holder. A few papers fell off that weren’t under her paperweight, which had moved a few inches. Clara rolled back in her chair, the back against the wall now. I  stormed over to her and swung her around to face me. Holding the back of her chair,  I looked down at her once more.

        “I don’t have to do anything. But you have to listen to what I say. You will give me every lipstick you have and any other products that accompanied it. You will tell no one about this, not even the cops, and you will make sure no one else ever gets their hands on these products. Understand?!”

        Clara nodded quickly and I let go of the chair. She quickly got out of it and ran out of the room, retrieving the boxes of products. I examined her desk while she was gone. I looked at her desktop, trying to confirm what she said was true. I found an email from the workers who helped put the lipstick together, apologizing for the mistake. So, she was telling the truth. I heard her push a few boxes into the room. She then went to retrieve more. I continued looking around her office. Such a shame that I used to idolize her… the ignorant fool.

        “That’s all of it…” She said, nearly out of breath. I looked over the boxes and opened one up, looking at all the lipstick inside. I nodded to her then closed the box.

        “Wonderful, darling.” I mocked her, but… it just flowed so nicely off my tongue. It was a nice nickname used by a cruel woman. Similar to what people may say about me now. The irony of the term just...stuck.

        “Now, there’s one more thing…” I said, glancing at her as I took the boxes with me into the elevator. The doors began to close as I spat the words at her, “I quit.”

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