Chapter III Mission go

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Me and my squad hopped out the bird and gave our pilot specific orders to leave the area and head towards the rendezvous point immediately and we would radio in when we needed him to start the bird and get us out of here.

Once he left we walked the half mile trek to where we found the contractor signal when sky spoke up, "um sarg, did you have to bring the sword?"

"Crimson can sense contractors and pick up on that and hostile energies, so yes corporal I needed to" I said with a hint of attitude and sarcasm in my voice.

He didn't say anything else and looked in a different direction so he wouldn't have to see the sword begin eyeing him menacingly. The blade may appear evil, but it's intentions are good, and I couldn't stand that people judged and disliked the sword.

The sword and I are two souls one flesh, the veins running through its black steal are my very own to seal our bond as master and servant. Insulting it is equivalent to insulting me.

We were walking on the poorly maintained bridge when Autumn felt like asking something.

"So where are we heading exactly? The colonel wasn't very clear on the details."

"Were going to what used to be Times Square, the heart of Manhattan" I responded

"New York's been down for 80 years right? So how do you know so much?" Markus questioned me.

"I've been here several times, long before it was destroyed." I answered. Then the headache Keith wanted to ask questions.

"So if you've been here before how old does that make you? I know you age really slow cause your not um...human but I'd just like to know."

Christ I hate him asking me questions, he would ask me things that are difficult to remember and gave me splitting headaches when I tried.

"Three hundred and sixty five years old" I answered. I waited to hear another question but the sword spoke up instead, "I sense energy master."

"Where? Is it the target or hostile?" I asked. If he picked it up this fast then that means it's close by, making the search a lot easier.

"There is a contractor energy heading into the Brooklyn area, and a human aura heading our way with multiple hostiles chasing it."

"We better hurry and find the two people here and take out those tangos." Markus yelled out. We all sprinted towards the area the sword told us was the energy was coming from. The plan is that Autumn, Sky and Keith find the human and take out the demons, while me and Markus find the contractor hiding in Brooklyn.

We let the others run ahead while I used one of my many powers to quickly teleport to Brooklyn, without my contractor it's extremely painful to use some of my powers, some going as far as being lethal to me if I use them thanks to the colonel.

I ignored the pain and got me and Markus as close as I could get us to the target. Not long after we arrived we heard a giant bomb and gunshots, at least the team was doing their job, but I couldn't worry about them right now because we had our own problems. My acute hearing picked up the sound of demons running towards us and just as I pulled out the sword crimson the damn things rounded the corner and faced us.

Markus quickly opened fire on them while I ran up and started hacking my way through the enemy's. In seconds there was blood and viscera all over the street, my sword finding pleasure in the carnage. Every time I slashed an enemy it's red streak of blood would mix with the one my sword makes when swung, that streak is what gave it it's name.

We handled the demons easily and ran towards the target when Autumn radioed in.

"Dante we've found someone but were pinned down we need help right now!"

"I'll make an explosion to draw them to us to and thin those numbers out." I said. Markus quickly unpinned a grenade and threw it in the building behind us, and in a few seconds there was an explosion, glass and other debris falling behind us. We quickly turn towards a back alley and like the sword said there she was, our target cornered in a dead end.

She was covered in an old brown rag serving as a cloak, I couldn't see her face but I felt something, a weird feeling in my arm and a faint glow in the gem attached to it. The girl was breathing heavily, she must have been exhausted from running away and fending against the demons. I walk up to her with my hand out, "Its alright, we came to help" I said.

The girl did not respond, instead she stared me in the eye, showing signs of fear and familiarity. I took a step closer and but she quickly whipped out a very old gun, a magnum revolver and shot me without hesitation, her aim was off and the bullets pierced my shoulder. At that range the force could knock any man to the ground but I took the hit and stood my ground. I felt my anger building up and quickly lashed out at her, "Dante don't" I heard Markus yell out at me, but I didn't listen I just wanted to kill the bitch, how dare she shoot at me. I closed the distance between us but I noticed something, under her hood I saw a faint green glow and her hand had a red shine to it. she put up her hands in a futile attempt to stop my attack, "stop!" she yelled as I raised my fist, and then both our hands glowed simultaneously and I felt an awful pain surge through my right arm, there were transparent red chains wrapped over it. I reeled back at the pain and the girl fainted, obviously from exhaustion.

"Shit Dante the hoards coming!" I turn from the girl on the ground and pull out my own gun with my good arm, the one that was shot since I couldn't move the right arm from the pain, it would take a minute to recover. I fired a whole clip at the demon horde.

"Handle them while I get the girl" I order Markus.

"I'll try but hurry" he replied. I quickly picked the girl up and radioed the pilot, "This is sgt. Nightroad start that chopper now!" I ordered

"Already ahead of you, three of you're members are here, I hear a lot of noise what's going on over there?"

"There's a horde here give us a second to get there!" I yelled in the radio. I order Markus to stop his firing and run towards me. I teleported us just as the horde closed in on us.

I opened my eyes to see the bird but felt my knees buckle under my weight. The teleportation sucked up the last of my energy, whatever that girl did it fucked up my arm, it's part of my strength, my powers are conjured from it and now it was useless, if we were attacked here I wouldn't be able to assist my squad.

Markus picked up the girl and loaded her in the bird while Sky helped me in and we quickly took off leaving before the horde could catch up with us. I could only look at the girl before I passed out, who is she? and why does she have this kind of "control" over me. My contractor wouldn't be able to subdue me, could she?

she was the last thing I saw, and the screams of the damned back in the old city was all I heard before I drifted into a dreamless sleep.

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