Chapter XVIII New information

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The mark running along my upper chest was fading away in a blue flame. The teen seemed to posses a purifying ability that we didn't know about. whatever it was, it had holy properties as it was burning my flesh just as bad as the pattern was which was now gone.
I began feeling weak, I toppled onto the bed, the room was spinning and Alisa's voice sounded distant.
"Dante are you ok? What just happened?"
I looked at the girl and slightly shrugged my shoulders to show I was just as confused. How did the order not pick up on this, she only has abilities given to her through our pact, how does she have the power only a heavenly being would posses?
I left the thought somewhere in the back of my mind. Now I was staring at the back of my master, who was sitting at the edge of the bed in light pink pajamas.
"Dante..." she whispered. "I am scared...can-can I sleep with you? J-just for tonight?"
Her words slightly trailed off at the end. She had a somewhat embarrassed look on her face from asking the question.
"I. Don't. Care." I said through the pain I was feeling.
The girl looked down for a moment before hesitantly scooting next to me. We laid there like that for what seemed like hours. Not another word exchanged between us.
After a while more questions creeped into my mind. Where could Envy be hiding? What was he planning to do next? Who was this holy women? How come Alisa had this strange power? Wait....Alisa couldn't be the holy women right? That's insane!
I heard Alisa whisper my name, her soothing voice pulling me from my thoughts. I must have spaced out at some time as I hadn't noticed Alisa's arm wrapped around me and her head laying on my chest.
"Dante what are you thinking about?"
"That's a lie." The teen retorted.
"What makes you say that?"
"You're hearts beating fast all of a sudden."
I looked down and look at the girls eyes. Still shining a bright green in the darkness or the room.
"Nothing you need to worry about." I reassured her.
The girl accepted my response and we both feel into a peaceful sleep.
Just outside of Boston 9:07 AM
Me and my two comrades where standing outside by a brick wall in the outskirts of town.
We were facing Alexander and a group of twenty men.
"These are my best men Nightroad, they can handle themselves and won't drag down you or you're teammates preformance." The old man said in a booming voice.
"Alright then, we'll be heading further up the path into hostile land, with our firepower we may be able to eliminate all threats by late afternoon." I replied.
"Good luck then, and by the way, I am not sure what you three did in that hotel last night, but we've seen a significant decrease In activity here, you have my grattitude."
We all nodded our heads and took off up the beaten path to confront our enemy's.
After a half hour trek we came upon the skeleton of a fallen warrior still donned in his amour lying on large pieces of rubble. It's bones creaked as it looked up at our group, which startled Alexander's men.
"Kill it now men!" One warrior screamed, he went in running with his spear to attack the defenseless corpse but Markus stopped him in his tracks.
"Calm down." I ordered. "It doesn't have red flames in its sockets so it's friendly."
I crouched in front of the corpse, it's bones were slightly burned and it had a good number of demonic arrows stuck in his torn breastplate.
"Tell me soldier, where are the demons, are they still around?"
The corpse gazed at me for a moment before pointing forward with a bony finger.
"Thank you" I said. "May The Lord spare you of this life of an undead."
The corpse nodded his head in gratitude, before laying it's head against the debris in its original position.
The group continued forward, and the skeleton from earlier was true to his word, though the sight in front of was not what we expected.
There was large piles of dead demonic bodies lying on the frozen earth, with small imps chewing on the decaying carcasses.
The men opened fire, the bullets ripping through the leathery flesh of the survivors of what appeared to be a mass suicide.
I walk further into the field to spot one last imp still alive but missing his limbs.
"Where is Envy? And the rest of his allies?!"
The imp gurgled on his blood before answering me.
"The devils of sin walk amongst the earth, though I do not know where, they each roam there respective continents."
The imp began laughing before it finally died of blood loss. They each roam their respective with all the activity up north, could one of them be in canada? Are they causing total destruction in Asia?
The job here is done, we better get out of here soon, I need to get this information to the director soon.
Danger here! This chapter is dedicated to all the brave men and women in our nations military, happy Veterans Day to all of you! If you like what you read then give this chapter a vote and follow me so you won't ever miss out on Black-Wings!

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