2. Your Mother's Pain X You

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Y/N Birthmom's POV

I realized that he found out where I lived so I quickly ran home and packed up all my belongings.

Then I went to over to my neighbour—who was taking care of Y/N— and quickly thanked them.

At this point, I just need to get out of here.

I carried Y/N out of the house and ran to the exit of the town.

Unfortunately, before I was half way there, I heard Jackson yelling my name and running after me.

I didn't know where to go.

At that rate, I knew Jackson was going to catch up so I had to think of somewhere to hid. It had to be a place with a complex floor plan, so I'll be able to sneak away if I needed to.

I immediately thought of the Colosseum because it was the closest to where I was.

Therefore, I ran as fast as I could and entered into the Colosseum with Y/N in my arms.

I immediately headed for the center because there were many pathways to go off from the center.

When I got to the center, it was right at 12 am and something strange happened.

A bright light came down from the sky and it stroke me and Y/N.

"Ahhh" I screamed as hugged Y/N tightly and covering her face with my arm to protect her.

Unknown location~

When the bright light disappeared, Y/N and I were somewhere else.

"What is this place?" I asked myself out loud and looked around.

Then I realized something...

I saw something stood up in front of me...

it was a giant orc...

I think I might've just woken up a giant orc from it's sleep... The giant turned around to look at me and he loudly yelled.

I see the leaves on the ground being blown away and I felt warm air hitting my body. I was unable to stand the wind so I fell on the ground.

I was so scared.

"OMG, what is that? An orc?" I said with a stunned voice.

Then the orc swung his arm at me.

"Ahhhh" I said and protected Y/N before the orc hit me.

Ouch. My body hurts.

I looked down at my stomach and it was all cover in blood, my blood. I felt weak and I checked on Y/N who is now crying.

I couldn't move. I was at critical condition.

I was about to die,

I could feel it.

As the orc was about to swing his arm at me again, I closed my eyes and said my last goodbye to the world.

I didn't know I was going to die at such a young age.

This is all too fast.

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