5. The City of Burden X History of Wands

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You took his hand and traveled to The City of Burden.

You two arrived at the center of the town, in front of a giant water fountain. Then you let go of Jimin's hand and ran towards the water fountain and looked up on it.

"Wow it's been sooooo long ever since I've been here!" you said as you opened up your arms and looked up to see the blue sky.

"This busy street, the busy people... it was as if nothing has changed for the past few years" you said as you looked around.

Jimin followed you and said "Yea, this place has been the same ever since it was for the past hundreds of years"

"Wait! Hundreds of years? How old are you??" you said as you turned to face him with shook.

He chuckles and said "How old do I look to you?"

"I don't know! 25 at most?!" you said as you move your eyebrows together.

He starts laughing.

"What so funny?" you said in confusion.

"Wow thanks for the complement"
"I'm 279 years old" he said seriously as he looked into your eyes.

You jumped back. What the hell? There's no way... How did he keep his appearance so young? Did he learn some old magic or something? Ugh this guy is freaky now... I knew he wasn't perfect.

He starts laughing again. "I'm just joking" he said as he laughs.
"I'm only 22 years old but I knew how these streets looks like from my grandpa's photos" he said as he giggles.

"Oh god..." you said in relief.
"I thought you were some old grandpa trying to catfish me" you said as you padded your chest.

"Old grandpa?... Well I got you though" he said and giggled.

"HA HA... so funny" you said as you turned your heels at him.

"Yah~ It was just a joke~ don't be mad me" he yelled as you were walking further away from him.

You turned around and said "I'm not mad at you! I just need a new broomstick and a new wand!"
"Now come on~ You need to pay for me!" you said jokingly.

"Of course, my lady" Jimin said and he ran to catch up.

At the 'History of Wands'~ (the store that sells the best wands, they also have a lot of varieties)

You pushed open the wooden doors and stepped in. This place was so old, there were small rolls of white cloth everywhere. You assume it was wands but wrapped with a cloth to protect it.

"Hello?~ Is anyone here?" you asked politely.

No one responses. you looked at Jimin and he just shrugs.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" you yelled.

Then immediately an old man stands up from behind the counters.

"Geez little girl, you don't have to yell that loudly~ I was doing something" the old man said as he sits back down onto his seat.

You moved towards the counter and said "I'm sorry... I didn't know you were just here... You didn't say anything so..."

You got cut off by the old man.

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