6. Flaming Phoenix Bone Wand X Desire

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The old man hands the wrapped wand to Jimin.

"And I'm sure you already know the specialty of this wand?" the old man asks you.

"Um no... All I know is that this is a grade SS wand..." you said with slight embarrassment.

Jimin laughed at you.

You hit his arm again. "Yah stop making fun of me geez" you said as you rolled your eyes.

"Sorry" he said as he wiped the tears in his eyes. (He was laughing too hard)
"You are just adorable" he said.

"This time it was clear. Did he actually say that I was adorable?" you thought to yourself.

You started blushing.

You turned your back to Jimin and asked the old man "So what specialties does this wand have?"

"This wand not only deal 50% more damage but also give its owner 100% magic resistance. In addition, there's a special spell type that comes with this wand" the old man said and handed you a tiny booklet.

You took the booklet and the old man said "Go to your Protection Magic Professor with this booklet and he will know what to do".

You flipped through the booklet and you tried to read it but it was all in complex Latin. Even though you were taught Latin in school, you were only taught very simple words and sentences.

You managed to read a couple of the word so you only understood fragments of the sentences and they made no sense at all.

"Alright thanks" you said to the old man and nodded at him.

"It is my pleasure" the old man said and bowed to you and Jimin.

Then you and Jimin turned around and walked towards the exit. You opened the door and stepped out.

"Please visit again" the old man said.

"We certainly will" Jimin replied and stepped out as well.


You happily hopped down the busy street and Jimin followed behind you.

"Hey" Jimin said.

"Yes?" you replied.

"Do you not want your wand?" Jimin asked teasingly.

You stopped walking and turned to Jimin. "Yes I would like my wand now" you said and put your right hand out.

"Hum don't you think I deserve something?" He said and tapped his right index finger on his cheek.

You noticed what he did there, he wanted a peck on his cheek. You immediately blushed, you turned around and continued walking to avoid Jimin from seeing you blush.

You decided to act dumb.

"If you are talking about money, I'm sorry I don't have anything on me right now" you said.

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