29. Make it? X Revenge

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"Wait Y/N," Jimin said and put his arm in front of you to block you from walking forward.

"What's wrong?" you asked.

"You see that giant tree? Do you think there would be something there?" Jimin said and pointed to a big old tree.

"I believe that," you said and examined the old tree from far away.
"Is the tree of life" you continued your sentence.

"Tree of life? Maybe we can find some healing potions in there!" Jimin said excitingly.

"Let's see who gets there first! 1! 2! 3! Let's go!" you said and started running.

"Yah! That's not fair, you didn't even give me time to get ready!" Jimin yells from behind you.

"Life isn't fair!" you turned your head and yelled back to Jimin.

"Speedy Gloom!" he said and immediately launched him fast into the distance.

"Yah! You know I don't know any running spells!" you yelled.

"Well, life isn't fair!" Jimin yelled back.

"Ugh" you said and started sprinting in the direction of the big old tree.

Eventually, you reached the tree. You saw Jimin standing there laying on the tree.

"You are so slow~" he said and teased you.

"You were cheating..." you said as you breathe heavily.

Jimin walked towards you stylishly and pulled his hair back from time to time.

"Dear god... he's so hot" you stood there and thought.

"I'll never cheat on you" Jimin said and cupped your small cheeks with his small hands.
"Because I think I've found my one and only" Jimin said as he slowly moved his lips closer to your lips.

He was about an inch away.

Suddenly something pulled you up to the tall tree.

"Ahh!" you yelled as you looked through the holes in the net at Jimin.

"Y/N!" Jimin yells.

The net quickly pulled you into the embrace of this strange guy.

"Hello there beautiful~" he said.

"Who are you?! Let me go!" you yelled and struggled through his grip. You managed to rip his cape.

So he was another participant as well... You looked at him ripped cape and saw a brown strip going from his shoulder to his sleeves. Another Wrlinsword...

"Wow calm down there little kitten" the guy said.

"Don't you dare touch her!" you heard Jimin yelled from below the tall tree.

"And what will you do if I touch her?" the guys said and licked your face sensually to trigger Jimin.

You wanted to punch the guy's face but you couldn't... it's against the rules, you aren't allowed to hurt other participants. You couldn't use any of your magic either as you are still not fully recovered from yesterday.

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