15. Flower Crown X Sit down~ Sh*t down~

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Dawon walked towards a room, you guess it was her bedroom, and she went in. A moment later, she came back out with flower crowns in her hands. There was one made with brown roses, 2 made with orange roses, and one last one made with teal roses.

"What is that? They are so pretty~" you said and walked towards Dawon.

Before you were close enough to touch the flower crown, Dawon put the brown rose crown on her head and she flopped one of the orange one on your head.

"Dawon? Uh... Wha.." you said in confusion.

"This is yours" she said and smiled at you.
Dawon pointed at the other orange one and said "This one is for Jennie..."
Then she pointed at the teal one and said "And this one is for IU"

You reached up to touch the flower crown and you took it off your head. You looked at it and said "Dawon, this is so beautiful"

It indeed was beautiful. The orange roses were tied so nicely with each other.

Dawon smiled at you and said "Do you like it?"

"Yes of course! It's so pretty! The roses were tied so nicely together" you said with a slightly raised tone.

"I made them for the feast so all of us could be beautiful hehe" Dawon said with pride.

"You made them?" you said and raised your eyebrows.

"Yep! 100% handmade by little Dawon" Dawon said and smiled at you.

"Wow no wonder why they are so detailed and delicate" you said and lightly touched the fragile flower petals.
"Thank you so much Dawon" you said and hugged her.

"It is certainly my pleasure!" Dawon said.

You released the hug and put the flower crown on your head.

In about 5 more minutes, IU and Jennie finally got out of their rooms and joined you and Dawon in the living room.

Jennie was wearing the same thing as you and IU were wearing the same thing too except she had a teal cape instead.

"Is everyone ready?" IU said to everyone in the house.

"Yes!" Dawon said in excitement and put her arm around yours.

"Let's go!" Jennie said and led us to the dorm door. She opened it and stepped out.

We all exited the dorm and we started heading towards the hall.

On our way there, there were a lot of other students wearing either a brown, orange, aqua or teal cape. Of course, Dawon has already sprinted away to make new friends so I just stayed with Jennie. As for IU, since she was a year older than us, she was destinated to go somewhere else.

"Hey Jennie" you said.

"Yea?" Jennie said.

"Can we sit together?..." you said.

"Yea sure, I was just going to say that too coz I didn't know anyone else..." Jennie said and giggled.

In the hall~

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