51. Perfect Timing?

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Approximately 25 minutes left of the clan war.


"We should get going now, cause I think the girl should be catching up soon" You said.

"Yea ok" Jimin said and slowly stood up.

He lost balance and almost fell on his face, but you caught his heavy body.

"Jimin? Jimin? Are you ok?" you asked.

Jimin shook his and said "Yea I'm fine just keep walking"

You held his arm and tried to give him support.

The two do you continued limping slowly into an unknown direction because it doesn't really matter now.

Approximately 15 minutes left of the clan war.

"Jimin, we're almost there, hang on" you said as you saw the border of the map.

The two of you safely arrived at the border of the map with 10 minutes to spear.

You pulled out your chips and decided to use the eye chip (reminder: look 24 hours into the future for a made-up situation).

You quickly had the idea of staying by the border in your head while casting the spell, to eliminate wasting time.


Then a quick glimpse of the little girl approaching you and Jimin appear in your head. She had an evil smile. You also saw you and Jimin both on the ground, helplessly shifting backwards.

You gasped in shock and take a few deep breaths.

"What did you see?" Jimin asked breathlessly.

"The little girl is gonna catch up, we have to ru-" before you can finish your sentence, you saw the little girl in the distance, dashing towards you.

In a few dashes, she was standing in front of you and Jimin already.

"Hello again" the little girl said and smiled evilly.

You have no idea how she can travel from one place to another this quickly but at this moment, you just want to get out with Jimin alive.

Approximately 7 minutes left of the clan war.

"How dare chu leave me alone? Running away is not a solution" the little girl said and shook her head.

"Little girl... we can talk about this" you said and tried to lengthen the conversation while shifting backwards.

"Talk? I don't want to talk, I just want to fight Jimin" the girl said and pout.

"But Jimin is wounded right out, you don't want to win with no difficulty right?" you said in a convincing tone.

"But I also want to win the clan war, I don't have time anymore" the little girl said and pulled out her wand.

"Goodbye meanies" the little girl said and pointed her wand at you and Jimin.


"Adhibeo!" you quickly said and casted a couple of cyclops to tank some of the damage the little girl almost casted.

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