Pretty boy

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Steve Harrington


after getting my books that i needed from my locker i made my way to math class for a surprise and not a surprise in a good way.

i walked into math class to see that billy mother fucking hargrove was sat in the seat behind mine, he looked up with a glint in his eyes, a smirk tugging at his pink rough looking lips (i mean not that i pay any attention to his lips or anything) he flicked his tongue over them and bit on them a little bit. i sat down in my seat trying to ignore him but its hard cause i can literally feel his eyes on the back of my head, i just keep my head down trying my hardest to concentrate on my school work in front of me. he is pissing me off now, he is not so discreetly looking over my shoulder at my answers. i can feel his hot breath running over the shell of my ear, and smell he sweet yet rough sent that is oddly comforting, it sends a unexpected shiver down my spine, i take in a sharp breath, not understanding what these feelings mean, its not like i like him or anything, I'm not gay, so that cant be it.

i started to move around in my seat a little bit, feeling him just hovering over my shoulder, i was about to tell him to stop and move, when hear reached his hand out and held on to my shoulder, "keep still, harrington." he whispered in my ear, "have you got a problem or something." he said, as he let go of my shoulder, and leaned i bit more forward, ", i don..t have a problem, why w..would i have a problem." i stuttered out,feeling like an idiot. he turned his head to look at me, i can feel his eyed scanning over my face, and that stupid smirk, " i don't know princess, if you didn't have a problem, why did you stutter." he said as i slid his hand that i didn't even realize was on my desk, over my hand, i flinched back, putting my hand on my lap looking at it, i heard him let out a soft laugh, then sit back down in his seat.

after math i went to my other classes, thankfully i only had one more class with billy, then i would just wait until the end of the day for basketball practice, which i actually think I'm just going to skip. after my last stressful class that had billy in, and of course he was sat behind me again, i walked out of the class room, a little bit to quick, that got me a few odd looks. i started walking down the empty halls towards the exit, then suddenly a arm wrapped around my waist, making me stop walking and look over to see that it was billy with his handsome smirk that just seemed so bright at the moment, what am i talking about its not handsome I'm straight. i don't like billy.

i looked away from him, and moved his arm that was still around my waist, i started walking again trying for the forth time today to ignore him, "wow, wow, wow, slow down there princess." billy said, as he came t walk next to me, "stop calling me princess." i said, getting to my locker first. "fine then pretty boy, is that better. and where are you going." he said, as i shut my locker, "I'm going home." i said as i moved past him, and walked to the door. "why are you going, we have basketball practice." he said, with a bit of shock in his voice, "i just don't feel well." i said walking out of the door, "WELL I'LL SEE YOU LATER, HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER SOON PRETTY BOY." he shouted to me, i just rolled my eyes and shook my head cause i could literally hear the smirk in his voice. i got in my car and drove home knowing that nobody is going to be there to ask why I'm home early.


hey guys, thank you for thank you for the votes on my last chapter i hope you all are enjoying it, do you think this chapter is going fast and I should slow it down or do you think it's fine, I would like to know what you guys think.

I'm thinking about change my profile name does anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you for read❤️

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