pissed off

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this would so be billy


steve harrington


its been two days since we met violet and shes actually really nice, shes doesn't mind that billy and i are together honestly its nice to have other friends now. Nancy hasn't really talked to me since the whole scene in the cafeteria, I'm not to upset like shes trying to act like everything's fine when its not and then she wants to act like nothing happened between us, which is every annoying like i know i have billy now i wouldn't chance that for the world but it still hurts to know i didn't mean anything to her.

right know I'm hangin with Violet at mine, we're watching films and talking about shit that doesn't really matter "Steve i need to tell you something." she said pausing the film and turning to face me. " yeah, whats up?" i ask her i bit worried she seems a little scared. " right I'm just gonna come out and say it but yesterday when i was with billy he came on to me." i look at her with so much shock, this cant be true. " no he wouldn't do that to me." i said not believing her i mean he's been an asshole in the past but i know he wouldn't do this to me, he told me he loves me. " i know like the first time he did it i just brushed it off cause i thought he wouldn't do that to you but then he did it a second time and then i knew that he was coming on to me, I'm really sorry Steve." tears started to form in my eyes and honestly i don't care if i  cry in front of her.

we talked a little more about it and i think i should break it off with him after she explained everything it does sound like some thing he would do, not to mention he has been hanging around with her more often. i had just settled down and was about to press play when a knock came from the door.  i got up and quickly opened it to be greeted by billy, he was stood there in tight jeans, half buttoned down shirt and a fag in his mouth. " what do you want?" i ask him with a harsh tone in my voice. "right yesterday somethin- " yeah don't bother violets here and she already told me what happened." i told him giving him a pissed off look, how dare he come here thinking he can explain what he's done. " why aren't you pissed off with her?" he asked looking really confused yeah like he's gonna play me like this. "because you came on to her. she told me what you did, now i think you should leave i don't want to see you right now." i told him closing the door before he can say anything, i broke down crying right there. Violet came over hugged me and told me it's going to be okay. we went back to the settee and finished off the film we were watching.


billy Hargrove ( well isn't this a change )


that fucking bitch. i was hanging out with Violet yesterday she said she needed help with her English so i said i would help her. so whilst we're at my house and working on English out of fucking nowhere shes feeling up my leg at first i just brushed it off i thought she might just be being friendly but then she got more touchy-feely then i knew what she was up to, so naturally like i do i freak out and tell her to leave, she looked pissed as she left which i honestly didn't care like she knows I'm with Steve and that i love him we literally talked about that before she came onto me.

i avoided Steve all day at school i didn't look at him which is really hard to do, i don't even know why i avoided him, i guess i feel guilty for what happened yesterday.it wasn't my fault tough. i just can't help but think with my past that he would think i came onto her. so here i am sat in my car outside Steve's house and I'm actually shitting it. i get out quickly and run over and knock on the door before i back out. i hear him walk to the door and when he opens the door and see's me he looks so pissed off, its probably cause i avoided him all day but he won't be mad for long after i tell him what happened.

"what do you want?" he asked me with the most harsh tone I've every heard him use, my face drops at the the fag falls out of my mouth and lands on the floor i know i avoided him but he wouldn't act like this, so something has happened. "right yesterday somethin- " " yeah don't bother violets here and she already told me what happened." he told me. shit no fuck what has she said  i think to myself as he just looks at me pissed off. " why aren't you pissed off with her?" i ask him hoping that she hasn't done what i think shes done "because you came on to her. she told me what you did, now i think you should leave i don't want to see you right now."he told me and slammed the door in my face before i could say anything. i walk back to my car feeling pissed off, I'm gonna need help convincing him that i didn't do anything and i really don't want to go to them for help but I'm gonna have to.

i get in the car and speed off to their house hoping that they'll help be but I'm gonna have to explain Steve and i to them so i have more of a chance for them to help me. i pull up to the house and quickly get out of my car and make my way to the door and knock three times, then  just the person i was wanting opened them door.


here's another chapter and yes i know it hasn't been like a fucking million years since i last updated but i got inspired so here it is. i know i said in a comment on the last chapter i wouldn't do something like this but i got an idea then changed how i wanted to do everything so i hope you like it.

lots of love


the author xxx

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