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Right I really love cat in the hat it's one of my favourite films but I can't find it anywhere and I'm sad cause I'm really in the moody to watch it😩


Billy Hargrove 


Steve and I decided to stay at the wheelers for tea then head back to Steve's  afterwards. Honestly I'm so happy now I can't even put into words how much he means to me, I don't blame him for thinking that I did that I mean that's what I was like I do however blame that bitch for even trying to brake us apart like who the fuck does she think she is. 

I'm currently sitting on the settee watching the nerd squad play DND I'm stroking Steve's hair whilst  He's  sleeping all cuddled up on me, he's like practically on me. I still can't believe he kissed me in front of everyone I know I told them but he didn't know that he just did it ughhhhh I love him so much. I've not been this happy for a long time it sometimes gets me thinking that this is all just a dream or I'll fuck it up or something just like what happened with violet telling Steve that I cheated on him.

It was sometime later I woke up to the girl who's  name I  found out was Jane poking my check, " it's tea time they told me to wake you up." She told me then ran off. Honestly I don't remember falling asleep but now Steve's just full on on top of me but looks so sweet I almost don't want to wake him up but like I said almost so I kinda accidentally pushed him off of me and in to the floor, yes I know I'm a bad boyfriend we've been over this. I can hear him let out a grumble and slowly sit up "that fucking hurt asshole." He said lying back on top of me. "Yeah well sorry not sorry we need to get up for tea." I said sitting up but all Steve did was wrap his legs around me and refuse to get up, I mean I'm not complaining I could be like this all day but I do feel quite hungry so I guess I'll have to carry him up or leave him.

"Babe come on we need to get up for tea." I said trying to get him off of me but he held on tighter  "I don't want to, I want to stay here with you." He said, pouting and looking at me threw his lashes. I bring me lips close enough to just lightly touch without actually kissing him then when I felt he relaxed a little bit I pulled away a stood up running up the stairs leaving Steve behind. I got to the top of the stairs when Steve was half way up I waited for him to get here so I can give him a proper kiss that's if he isn't to stubborn about it. He finally slowly made his way up the stairs still with the little pout in which honestly just makes him look cuter then he already is " look I'm sorry I'm just really hungry." I tol him as I wrapped my arms around his waist and kiss the top of his head. "Mhm" He just mumbles not actually giving me a response, I lift his head and peck his lips before taking his hand and dragging him to the dinning room.

We walked in hand in hand getting a few gasp of shock I guess thier still not used to it I mean it'll take time I guess. "Hey guys!" Steve said as he sat down in the chair I pulled out for him. They all muttered a hello up never looked up at him I can tell by the look on his face that he can see that thier avoiding looking at him, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that. I sit down giving Steve's check a little peck before I started to eat. 

After like five minutes I realise that Steve hasn't touched his food, he hasn't said anything since we sat down either. "Hey babe what's wrong." I asked him putting my hand on his back giving it a little rub "nothing." He said giving me a weak little smile before looking down again. " if thier bothering you why don't you ask them what's wrong." I suggested bringing my hand down to his though and giving it a little squeeze. He just smiled and nodded before he turn to the others getting ready to ask them and if I'm being honest I didn't think he was going to actually do it. "Hey guy?" Steve said in more of a question. They all mumbled a what that was just nearly audible. " what wrong with everyone you've been really quite and haven't said a word even to each other, so what wrong?" He said to them grabbing my hand under the table I gave it a squeeze and brushed my thumb over the back of his hand in a reassuring way.

The first one to say say something was that bitch of a ex-girlfriend. "Well Steve, we aren't really that comfortable with you and billy being together and honestly we just don't think hes good for you." She said and looked back down to her plate. Even though it's killing me in the inside I didn't say anything I didn't want to make things worse between them all so I just sat there and didn't say a word.

 " well Nancy" Steve replied in a mocking tone. " if IM being honest I don't think you know or have a right to decide what is and what isn't good for me not after what you put me threw, also billy came hear for your help never was nasty to any of you and he's clearly changed and you want to sit there and tell me hes not good for me. Now if anyone else has a problem with me and billy being together just put your hand up now cause if that's the case then I'd prefer to leave." He finished his little rant and everyone except max put their hand up. So Steve grabbed my hand and dragged me outside never said a word just left walked to my car got in and waited for me to get in then I headed to his house, what we Weren't expecting for someone to be waiting for us there.


Hi guy, I'm back with a new chapter hope you all enjoyed it!!!

I've work quite awhile on this it might not be the best but yeah I'm really happy with it just let me know what you guys think.

As all ways

Lots of love from 

The author xxxxxxx

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