Tonight gonna be fun

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Billy Hargrove


"Your hanging out with Steve tonight." Max asked me with a shocked look on her face. " yes I am, do you have a problem with that?" I said, wondering what she'll say. She looked at me for a moment "no I don't, I think you and Steve would be cute together." She said with a smirk and then turn to face out front. I choked on the smoke of the cigarette I had, " I'm not gay." I told her my heart beating so fast I could hear it. "Ok." She said in a somewhat mocking tone, " I'm not." I said again just to make sure she knows she can't know the truth.. "I only said ok Jesus billy." She said laughing now.

Pulling out to the house we both got out of my car. Before max could make it to the door I grabbed her arm. "Hey let go of me." She said trying to get my hand off of her. "Don't tell Neil about me hanging out with Harrington. Okay." I said, looking In her eyes. Her face softened, " I won't billy I promise." She said. I let go of her arm and she just smiled and turned away, walking into the house, I follow not long after her. Neil isn't home it's just me and max. She goes off into her room and closes the door. So I go into my room to get ready for tonight, it's only five now, may as well look descent. 

Hopping into the shower I'm instantly relived the hot relaxing water running down my body helps with the pain that I feel. I quickly wash myself with some sort of soap, and then I wash my hair with some kind of shampoo. I rinsed my hair and body and jumped out of the shower. I grab a towel and dry myself off, then Wrapping the towel round my waist I head out of the bathroom and into my bedroom, I shut the door and walk over to my drawer, pulling out a top and some jeans, I take off my towel pulling on some boxers, then my jeans, and finally my top which is a opens showing most of my chest and stomach. I dry my hair and sort it to how I like it.

Looking at the time it's just gone six. Neil will be back soon so I'll have to come up with a lie so he doesn't know  I'm hanging out with Harrington. I'll set off at eight so I'm not to late or anything, now I've just got to wait around until then. I'll go to the kitchen to see if he's put a list of chores on the fridge so he doesn't have any excuse for me to stay, walking into the kitchen I go sright to the fridge, I pull the paper off of it, there's only two on, I'll have them down in no time.

I'm led on my bed smoking a cig just waiting around after I just finished both of my chores, when I hear front door slam. "BILLY, GET IN HERE.Neil shouts from the front door, I quickly get up off my bed and stub my fag out and quickly make my way over to him. "Have you done both of your chores today." He asks me, with his arms crossed over his chest waiting for my answer. " yes I have, sir." I tell him to looking into his eyes. "Good. Where are you going." He asked, looking me up and down in disgust. " I'm going on a date with some girl." I said. Looking at the clock in the living room, seeing that it's 19:50. "I um probably should get going, she wants me to pick her up at eight. If that's alright with you, sir." I asked, not making eye contact with him. "Go on." He said moving out of the way of the front door. I grab my keys and make my way out of the door, not saying a word to anyone.

I get in my car real quick, and start it up. It doesn't take long to warm up on the drive to Steve, I can't wait to see him, with his hair all done and the little blush he gets on his cheeks, and not to mention his stutter whenever I'm close to him, now I'm starting to get a little nervous, my palms are sweating and I have a weird feeling in my stomach that I just can't shake. I pulled into Harrington's driveway, see how big his house is, maybe we should just stay in tonight. I check the time for the third time tonight, it's 20:05. I open my door and get out shutting my door I straighten myself out.

I make my way over to the door I take my hand out to knock but don't as I'm suddenly nervous again, building up enough confidence I knock twice, I hear some movements from inside, then the door was opened and there was Steve, he was in a jumper and some jeans, his hair was all done and not a single hair was out of place, looking at him I can tell that something isn't right. "Are you ready to go Harrington, or do you want to stay inside." I asked him, taking a little step closer to him, he moved back a little like he's scared I'm going to hurt him. "Yeah the thing is Hargrove I umm I don't think it's a good uhh a good idea that we hang out." He said not looking at me properly. 

" are you sure about the harrington?" I ask cause with how he's avoiding looking at me something tells me that he's not sure. "Uh huh." He answered still not looking at me. "Well that's the thing Harrington." I said taking a step towards him, "I don't think you're being interlay honest with me here." I said taking another step forward, this time he moved backwards as so I take another step so now he's press back up against the wall in the hallway. I'm so close to him, I can nearly keep control, " i th..think you sho..should go." He said putting his hands on my chest to keep me were I am, his eyes flickered down, and he bit down on his lip. I smirk not that he was paying any attention, I bring my hands up to rest over his. " well I don't think you really do Pretty boy, I think you would much rather just touch me instead." I said and start moving his hands up and down my stomach.

I put his hands around the back of me so I can get closer to him. I let go of his hand and he kept them there, I bring my now free hands up to his face, I cup his face gently in my hand, now he's looking at me, " now you tell me what you really want," I ask him stroking a bit of hair out of his face. He  Leans against my hand and closes his eyes . "Billy" he whispers still with his eyes closed, "come on princess." I say leaning down to his ear and whispering. "I want you to stay." He says with his eyes now open. "I thought so."I tell him, i give his cheek a little kiss, then I make my way over to the living room.

"Nice place you've got princess. Where's your parents?" I ask him As he comes in after shutting the door. "Thanks. Um there on a business trip." He says sitting next to me, " aww, do you get lonely?" I ask him as I put my arm around his shoulders. Surprisingly he leans into me. "Yeah it does after awhile." He answers lifting his head up to look at me. "Well maybe you won't have to be lonely anymore." I said putting my finger under his chin and bringing my head down to his and letting are lips meet in a soft embrace. We pull away from each not saying a word, Steve smiles and runs a hand threw his hair. " well, tonight's gonna be fun." he said, bring are lips back together.


So Steve let billy will the night go as smooth as it's start let me know what you think in the comments.

Here's another chapter quite longer then the last one. I hope you enjoyed it and are happy with how it's going so far.

Thank you for reading love from the author xx

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