Harry and I *Dirty*

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Harry's POV:


There was a beautiful girl dancing on the dance floor at Louis's party for our new album Midnight Memories. I know it's late to have a party, but with the moving around and the tour. This is the only free time we have before leaving again for another place. I was chilling on the couch as I watched a beautiful girl dance solo on the stage in Louis living room. The girl had blue eyes as cold as winter and as bright as summer. She was a brunette and from what she was wearing I gather that she likes bands from the 70s - 90s. No, I am not a pervert or a stalker. When the song finished she walked off the stage to get a drink. I got up to ask her to dance. Louis came with me to boost my confidence and make me feel at ease. Louis would whisper "You got it tiger", when I would stop in my tracks and try to get out of it. I know that he's trying to be a good friend and help, but right now he's being a big pain in the butt. I'd mustered up enough courage to ask her to dance. We've danced for about 2 hours. On the dancefloor I had a little Q and A session with her before she left. She had to leave the house because if her job that starts in 2 hours and before she left I had managed to get her number. I gave her mine in return and escorted her to her car. She promised to call me before she drove away in the sunrise. I walked back into the house in a daze. Louis volunteered to drive me to my house as soon as I stepped through the doorway. Once I was safely inside the comfort of my home. I spilled my guts to Louis about the girl. I never did catch her name. How stupid of me.

Louis' POV:


Harry has been dancing with that girl for 3 hours going onto 4. She smiled and laughed the whole time they were on that dance floor. I knew this girl for forever, ever since pre-k. Her name is Melayka Mae. Like I've said we've known each other for forever. I'm jealous about this whole situation. I've known her for about 22 years and he's known her for 4 hours. See a difference? It's like she doesn't care any more about me. Harry told me facts about her that I've known and the facts I didn't know. For instance: Melayka Mae has a nursing degree, she has never been to a R rated movie, and she doesn't like the beach. Melayka Mae always went to the beach with me and never had a problem with it. Melayka always hung out with me before I got famous. At my auditions she was with my family and she cheered for me. Melayka Mae was my emotional support and my homework helper. She's been by my side in my ups and downs. I've always been attracted to her and now that I see her for the first time since forever even more so. Melayka Mae has that effect on every man that she comes in contact with or looks at. Mostly me. She makes me feel numb on my man part and gives me a boner just by me looking at her.

Harry's POV:


Louis looked like he could shoot lasers through me. I don't like it when he's mad at me. When Louis is angry everybody is trying to hide from him. He is like an uncontrollable tornado through a forest. He will and has the ability to destroy everything in his path. I stopped talking to excuse myself to get something to drink. I poured myself a glass of Sprite and I gave Louis his glass of Dr. Pibb. I sat back down and asked Louis questions about him. That calmed him down for now. Honestly, I love Louis like a brother, but sometimes he scares me so much I don't want to be around or even near him. When he starts to talk about his past girlfriends he has this face where it looks like he could puke. When he talks about his close friends he has this look like his head is in the clouds. When he talks about his present girlfriend he looks like he can float on the air. When Louis has a very naughty idea he gives me the sly brow look. When he does something he knows is wrong he gives me the evil look. Seriously, Louis has a messed up mind. Don't believe me? Right now Louis is giving me the evil villain look as he also gave me the sly brow as he talks about his girlfriend.

Louis' POV:


At Harry's house just chatting about me. Nothing unusual except that Harry won't correct me when I say something wrong. I have gone off topic and gave him my naughtiest looks. I see the shock on his face and he slowly gets up. I lunge at him and tickled him until I got the piece of paper she gave him. I grabbed it and dialed as I continued Harry's punishment. She answered after the first ring!!! I quickly told her who I was and the address. In no time flat she was at Harry's house. I dragged him into his room and locked it. I strolled down the hallway to the door. Melayka Mae was so excited to see me she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed both of my cheeks. Well, not really. She walked in and started asking about Harry. Ugh!!

Harry's POV:


Louis lost his mind. I'm in my supply closet, it's dark, it's lonely, I'm scared. Mommy!! I hear voices. Shhh. It sounds like that girl and Louis are arguing. Surprise, surprise. He knows her and is calling her by name. Then, I hear it a clicking noise. It's a gun! Ahhhh!!!! Louis is going to shoot me!!! Mommy!!!! Help!!!! Oh, wait. Louis unlocked the door. Never mind, I see my girl giving me a smug grin. That's my girl!!!

Louis POV:


Melayka is telling me to find and bring her Harry. Now, she's threatening to call my mom. Ah. I'm so scared. I say "Sorry not gonna work. She changed her number, babe. So try again." Melayka has threatened, broke things, and shouted. I still won't budge. I explained "Maybe if you asked nicely or did something. I might bring Harry out." She asked. "Nope." Then, she did something I was waiting for forever. She kissed me!!! On the lips!!! Oh my gosh!!! Thank you, God!!! So I complied. A promise is a promise. Harry came bounding out and ran to her. She hugged him so tight I'm surprised he didn't explode.

Harry's POV:


"Melayka?" I asked. "Yeah,Harry?" "Umm... Will you go out with me?" She looked surprised. "Yes!!! I never thought you would ask. Since we just met and all." Score - I thought - hot babe and a hot dude. Also, a very jealous best friend. "Wait, Melayka. You're right just met. Maybe we should take it slow?" "I'd appreciate it."

Louis POV:


Wow! Harry just gave Melayka up for me. He knows I'm the jealous type. So, why do I feel guilty? This isn't right for Harry to suffer because if me. "Harry?" "Yeah?" "You shouldn't say no because of me. Don't say it's not me, but I know it is. So, Harry, what do you say?" "Yep. Gotcha, Lou."

Harry's POV:


"Melayka? Umm... I take it back. Wanna go out sometime?" "Sure, Harry. No, taking it back! Or the answer will be different." Once, Louis left we went to my room. Melayka is gorgeous when not wearing anything at all. I made her whimper and scream. "Who made you wet?" "Louis and you being best friends again." "Tsk. Tsk. Wrong answer love, but nice." I pushed myself inside without any warning. She gasped and screamed "Harry, whys you do that for?" I smiled in reply. She honestly wasn't very cooperative in reply to my smile. I told her "Mrs. Meanie, no cumming at all. Hold it till I say so. Mwahahaha!!!" She gave me a very mean glare. I made her ride out her high 3 times. I was exhausted and tired from thrusting. "Okay. 3.............2................1................go!!!!" We came on each other. She got dressed and left. As soon as she got to work, she texted me saying "Dinner? ?? BTW Never Speak of this again." I replied by giving her a wonky face and "Mmm. Kay!"


Sorry late. I waz busy. I'm backed up on requested imagines, but still am taking requests. So if you don't see yours yet I'm working on it don't freak out.

Luv y'all - Emily

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