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Sorry that my writing isn’t the best, still practising.

Warnings: I’m not really sure if there are any in this chapter, but please inform me if you spot any.


The day started normally, at 4:00am like usual, when the anxious side couldn’t go back to sleep after another nightmare. He lay in bed, thinking about the previous day, when all the progress he’d made with the others was lost within a couple of harsh words between Roman and himself. Now that he officially knew the truth, there was no need for them to pretend to like him anymore, right? He always had thoughts at the back of his mind, telling him not to grow too close and not to fully trust them. He always knew, deep down that they probably despised him. He should have listened to himself, ‘cause look what happened… He only got hurt, and he most likely hurt them, too.

It’ll never be the same between him and the others, and it’ll probably be worse than ever. He should have just stayed to himself. It’s his fault, really. He was stupid enough to open up to them.

Stupid, stupid, Anxiety. Thinking he was finally excepted, or close to being so. How foolish of the boy.

The anxious side’s tummy makes a little grumbling noise. He decides to get up and feed the hunger, nobody’s going to be up at this time anyway, right? Except for yesterday, he found Roman asleep at the kitchen table with papers scattered around him. But that was yesterday, today’s a whole new, horrible day.

He uncovers himself from the enormous pile of blankets and heads out, making sure not to make noise as he roams the halls. He arrives in the kitchen, but comes to an immediate stop as he sees a large blob of red and white. Roman? What could he be doing here, again?

The creative one shoots up from his slumber at the sound of the anxious one’s footsteps, searching around for any potential danger.

He spots Anxiety, frozen in place at the sudden movement. Though, didn’t this exact same thing happen yesterday? …It’s just a coincidence.

“My apologies, Virgil. I didn’t mean to startle you.” The creative one speaks. “I must have fallen asleep while brainstorming ideas for Thomas’ next video.”

That’s the exact same thing he’d said yesterday. How’d he manage to do this again, and..why does he seem completely fine with the anxious one? Shouldn’t he be angry or irritated with him? Virgil stands still and unmoving, waiting for the creative side to remember about yesterday and go off on him, but nothing of the sort happens.

Instead, the creative side checks his watch for the time, realizing how early it is. “Why are you up at this time?” He questions, though getting no answer in return. He looks over to the other, seeing him as still as a board. “Virgil, are you alright? Something wrong?”

“What..what are you waiting for?” Anxiety questions, his voice seeming small, truly baffled that the prince hasn’t started shouting or walking away in anger.

Now it’s the creative side’s turn to be baffled. What could the other possibly be talking about? Had he done something to provoke him, to make him angry or hurt? The prince doesn’t remember anything truly bad happening between them lately.

“What do you mean?” The prince asks carefully.

“You’re supposed to yell or shout at me, do something…be angry.” Anxiety explains. He seems to be in a panic, awaiting the worst from the other. Expecting him to explode any second now, but he simply stands there in confusion.

“Virgil, why would I do that?” The prince questions, approaching the anxious side.


Is this a joke? This has got to be a joke, right? Princey couldn’t just forget about what happened yesterday, could he?

I back away as he moves forward, maybe he does remember.

He lifts his hand and I flinch violently, holding my hands up to helplessly defend myself. I clench my eyes shut, getting ready for the impact, but nothing happens. I feel something warm on my shoulder. A hand.

“I’m not going to hurt you, Virgil. What’s gotten in to you?” I slowly and hesitantly open my eyes, seeing a concerned expression across Princey’s face.

“Nothing. Sorry.” I back away and turn around, heading straight back to my room.

Maybe he’d hit his head and forgot, or maybe it’s simply too early in the morning for his brain to function properly? There has to be a reason why he didn’t go off on me. Maybe yesterday was just one of my nightmares?

I don’t know..

I sit back on my bed, ignoring the hungry sensation coming from my stomach. I get my phone, plug in my headphones and listen to music. I decide to go on Tumblr and read some fanfictions of Thomas’ fans. Though, reading about the others and the hurts, because I know that can never happen. The stories are good, but I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to actually be in one, for real. If I am, I hope it has at least somewhat of a happy ending, because not all stories are fairytales. Not all stories have a happy ending like Princey makes them out to be.

I continue with reading and music for a couple of hours, not noticing the passing time, until I feel myself being summoned.

If I go, Thomas is probably going to talk about what happened yesterday. Though, if I don’t, I don’t really know what would happen. It’s probably best if I don’t, it’s not like he actually wants me around. I turn up my music and continue reading, only to be distracted by another summon, and another, and another.

What could he possibly want that’s this urgent?

I pull my hood up and decide to go to Thomas. I appear in my usual spot, “What,” I question, sounding more weak than I hoped. I look up to see a video camera and the others standing in their spots.

Another video? Two days in a row?


Welp, that’s the end of part two I guess. Things will start to pick up a lot in the next chapter. Have a good day..or night?

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