Worst Day Ever

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I wonder if anyone’s actually reading this?

Warnings: slight panic. Please inform me if there are any more


After the argument, I went straight back to my room, just like the last time. I had another panic attack and managed to cut my arm on the edge of my dresser as I fell down to the floor.

When I awoke today after being deemed unconscious by pure exhaustion, I went to go patch up the cut, but it was gone. There was no sigh of it ever being there. Sure, I heal fast because I’m not exactly human, but definitely not this fast.

Right now, it’s almost 4:00am. I quietly head out of my room and into the kitchen.


My heart beats harder as I see what’s in front of me. Are you kidding?

Once again, Princey is fast asleep at the table. This can’t be happening, not again..can it? This has to be a joke..a prank…

He shoots up as I step forward, searching his surroundings until his eyes land on me. I jump back..

.. Not again….please.

“My apologies, Virgil. I didn’t mean to startle you. I must have fallen asleep while brainstorming ideas for Thomas’ next video.”

Maybe I’m just going absolutely crazy. This is impossible. I’m dreaming.

He checks his watch, “Why are you up at this time?”

“Virgil, are you alright? Something wrong?”

“Why are you doing this?” I question, speaking a little fast as the panic truly starts to set in. “Is, is it a prank? I don’t..I don’t understand. Why, and..and how?”

“What do you mean?”

“Are you? Are you pranking me?”

“Virgil, why would I do that?” He steps forward.

“St-op.” My voice cracks. I’m going crazy, aren’t I? This is it, I’ve gone nuts. They’re going to have to lock me up in a padded room. They’re going to put a straight jacket on me, they’re going to-

He places a hand on my shoulder, “I’m not going to hurt you, Virgil. What’s gotten into you?”

I slowly back away, but stop as I realize that I’ve done this the last time. What if I don’t go back to my room now? What if I change it?

Roman gives me a confused expression. I step forward again.

“Roman, you wouldn’t lie to me, would you?” I question. Of course I know he would. He has been, telling me we’re friends. They all have. He just accidentally let the truth slip out. Thomas is a great actor, after all. It wouldn’t be so hard to pull off such a lie for so long, but the truth always comes out eventually. No matter how hard you try to hide it. It’ll find a way to escape.

“Of course not!” He speaks quietly.

“Than tell me what’s going on.” I look him in the eyes, serious as ever. I simply want an answer.

“I’m afraid I don’t understand, Virgil. What do you mean?”


I back away again, heading to my room. He has to be lying, this has to be a prank. Things like this don’t just happen. This isn’t some fairytale story where the rules of reality change. But..I can’t help but have a feeling that he’s telling the truth. Somehow..I feel like he really doesn’t know what’s going on. Besides, even if this was a prank, I’m sure Patton, Logan and Thomas wouldn’t agree upon it…and I don’t actually think Princey would go this far. I know they all despise me, but to go through all this work and trouble for a prank would seem too unrealistic and foolish. I’m sure they wouldn’t want to waist their time doing this, and Thomas is a good person. Even if he does despise me, he wouldn’t do this. If I know Thomas, he doesn’t get any amusement from other’s torture . Even if he doesn’t particularly like that person. He wouldn’t..they wouldn’t do this..would they?

Whatever, not like it matters anyway. This’ll probably stop sometime soon…it has too.


The anxious side sits on his bed, thinking things over..and over and over..and over and over again. That is.. until he feels a tug, pulling him back into reality. His host, Thomas, seems to be summoning him again. Though, he stays put, pulling his hood over his head as if that’ll get it to stop. But the boy gives in, and goes to investigate what his host wants, and to see if it’s going to be the same exact thing as last time.

He shows up on the stairs like usual, to see the video camera and the other sides all in place for another video.

How much more of this? How many times is this going to happen? Why won’t it stop? What’s really happening?

More and more questions fill his head. He simply ignores the others, he knows exactly what they’re saying anyway. Not like it matters anymore.

Another familiar nod from Logan, another familiar smile from Patton, another familiar gesture from Thomas, and an all too familiar anger from Roman.

“Virgil, are you even listening?” The prince speaks, slightly annoyed at the other for not paying any attention. I mean, he’s not even pretending to listen. That’s just plain rude..

The anxious side doesn’t respond, being lost in his mind, setting the other off a little more. “You know, Virgil, the least you can do is pretend to be listening.”

Still, no response.

“Relax, Roman. He could just be having a bad day.” Thomas comes in, hoping his creative side will let it go, be he simply ignores him.

Bad day..yeah. Just one, never ending, horrible, horrible day. Just end already..

The prince starts off the all too familiar argument. Virgil tries not to do anything, tries not to speak as to not repeat anything again, but he looses control once more.

It’s all a haze until the argument is over, until it’s too late. It was almost like something was urging him on, taking over his mind and speaking for him. He couldn’t stop himself..and he couldn’t the next day either..or the next day..or the next.

Every day that goes by is the exact same as the last day. A few subtle changes here and there that he could control, but other than that, everything’s the same.

The days go like this: he’d wake up, find the prince asleep at the kitchen table, then go back to his room and sit for awhile. He’d stay there until Thomas summoned him for the umteenth time and then the argument would break out between him and the prince. He’d go back to his room and somehow pass out, then wake up the next day and repeat.

He’d try so desperately to change the way the day goes by. Attempting to stay in his room when he woke at 4:00am, but something would always urge him out of bed. He never had full control of what he did. He’d try to stay in the kitchen for a while after finding the prince, but it never worked out. Something always controlled him to go back to his room. He’d try to leave his room before Thomas summoned him, but there was always mishaps where his door mysteriously locked, so couldn’t escape if he tried. He’d try not to listen to his host’s summoning, but he always appeared on the stairs anyway. He’d try to watch his mouth, but the words always escaped without his consent.

He’s stuck on a loop.

This, he could say, is officially the worst day ever.

Over And Over, Again And Again. (Sanders Sides Fic)Where stories live. Discover now