Get Ready

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Warnings: A bit of shouting. Please inform me if you spot any more.


Thomas was confused at first, but went along with the plan anyway. They brought Roman to the bedroom and I stayed down here in the living room with Patton. It hasn’t been so bad, Patton and I are just talking. I have no clue on what the others are doing, though.

“Kiddo, how long has this been going on for?” Patton questions, he’s sat next to me on the couch.

“I don’t know. A long time, though.”

“So, you have to have the argument every day? Does it..does it hurt?” He inches closer to me.

“No, I..I got used to it. It’s fine,” I assure him, but I’m not really sure, myself. I guess it still kind of has an impact on me, mostly because I have to say those horrible words to him over and over. I know he doesn’t remember it, so it won’t actually hurt him, but it always leaves this dreaded feeling swimming around in my stomach.

He nods in understatement, but I catch a hint of doubt in his eyes.

A bang comes from Thomas’ room, catching our attention. Is it starting already? Are they okay?

Patton and I glance at each other, “Come here, kiddo.” He tugs on my sweater sleeve, pulling me closer to him. Another bang sounds, but louder. I flinch at the noise. I’ve never been one for loud noises, they usually resemble something bad.

“Everything’s going to be okay. We’ll get you out of this, I promise.” Patton holds on to my arm. Either for comfort or to get ready to hold me down in case I try anything. Most likely both, it’s Patton after all.

Things start to pick up when shouting is heard from the others. I wonder if they’re alright. I take a glance at Patton, then the bedroom door. I could see the doorknob jiggle in the slightest bit, indicating that someone’s trying to get out. Logan put a lock on the outside, so it shouldn’t be easy to get out, but it’s still very possible. The knob stops moving and I hear shuffling near the door, then the sound stops.


I lay on the floor, having being pinned down by Thomas and Logan. They lighten their grip on my arms as I calm down.

That was close. That was far too close. I don’t exactly know what happened, I kind of blacked out, but I was still conscious. I couldn’t do anything, but I was still moving. It felt as though I was on autopilot, not fully aware of what I was doing.

Thomas and Logan managed to hold me back before I could get the door open, then I gained my control back. I don’t know why, but I felt anger swim through me as that happened, though there’s nothing to be angry about. I don’t get it.

“That was close. What happened with you?” Thomas questions, letting go of me. Logan still holds his loose grip on my left arm.

“Not sure, but I don’t think that’ll be the last time I do that.” I slowly sit up, grateful the two were gentle enough as to not give me any bruises or cuts. “Why don’t you..tie me down or something?” I suggest.

“Nonsense, we can stop you just fine with the two of us.” Logan responds, fully letting go of my arm.

“Yeah, but..what if I hurt you guys? I don’t want that to happen. What if I don’t gain my consciousness back fast enough the next time and something happens? It can’t hurt for some extra precautions, and I don’t mind. It’s only for today, right?” I assure him, though he still looks unsure of the idea.

He sighs, “I suppose, but what would we even tie you with, and what would we tie you to? We’d need something strong enough to hold you down.”

“Maybe we can ask Patton to get the rope I keep in the closet downstairs?” Thomas suggests.

“..Why do you have a rope, Thomas?” I question, drawing my eyebrows together. What would he possibly need a rope for..?

“Not exactly sure, I just found it one day and shoved it in the closet. I guess I kind of forgot about it.” He clarifies.

“Alright, but one of you has to hold me down while the door opens, because you better bet that I’ll book it out.”

“Right, Thomas, you keep Roman in check while I try to get Patton’s attention,” Logan orders, standing and walking to the door. He knocks a couple times until a voice chimes in from the other side of the door.

“Alright, Roman, stay still,” Thomas stands before I have time to question him. He grabs the smallest blanket from the many blankets he has on his bed. “Put your arms down at your sides.” He says, I do as told.

“What are you doing, exactly?” I question as he wraps the blanket around me rather tightly, making me look as if I’m in a cocoon.

“I can’t hold you down by myself, so I’m wrapping you with these blankets so you can’t move.” He clarifies, taking another, slightly larger blanket and doing the same with this one as the last. “Try getting your arms out.”

I try, but fail as I struggle against the force of the mighty blankets.

“Alright, good, but I’m putting one more on for safe keeping.” He takes the last blanket, an even larger and heavier one and wraps it tightly around me.

“Thomas, it’s really warm.” I complain, adjusting myself in a more comfortable position. “And I feel like a caterpillar in a cocoon. I don’t even like caterpillars, they’re just worms with legs. Do I look like a worm with legs, Thomas?”

“Yes, now stop complaining. Patton will be here soon with the rope.” He sits back on the floor in front of me.

“Why don’t you just keep me like this?”

“Because like you said, it’s really warm, and you’ll probably heat up to much.”

I sigh, wishing to get this over with. One question runs around in my mind, “If Virgil has lived through this day more than once, does that mean we have too, but we just can’t remember?”

“I guess,”

A knock sounds at the door, then I hear the sound of a lock unlocking. A feeling of anger washes over me.

Logan turns around, facing us. “Thomas, get ready.”


Over And Over, Again And Again. (Sanders Sides Fic)Where stories live. Discover now