Hang In There..

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Warnings: Panic attack, screaming/shouting. Please inform me if there are any more.


I watch as the two try to hold Virgil down. He continues to scream, making me have a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. It hurts, but I don’t really understand it. He sounds in distress, screaming and shouting as he tries to free himself.

Roman had told Patton and I that he’d tried to kill himself earlier. The two are trying to calm him, but it’s not working.

Virgil looks over to me, “Logan, HELP! PLE-ASE HELP! He begs, his voice cracking, leaving a horrible feeling roam around inside me. “Eight hundred, twenty four! please!”

Eight hundred, twenty four…that’s…how’d he get that? I don’t recall telling him about it. I haven’t told anyone about that. Regardless, I must act upon this.

I rush up to him, “Wait, guys, stop for a moment. Let him go.” I tell the two. They hesitantly back up, and Virgil curls in on himself, laying down on his side.. I sit next to him, feeling the bed vibrate as he shakes rather violently. He grips his arms tightly, mumbling something that’s too quiet to understand.

“Virgil, what is it?” I question, laying a gentle hand on his shoulder in what I hope is a comforting way.

“Get me out, get me out. It won’t end, get me out.” He barely whispers, burying his face in the blankets.

“Out of what, Virgil?” Roman takes a seat on the other side of him. “What do you mean?”

He tries to catch his breath, but fails and begins to hyperventilate. Patton comes forward, trying to comfort him. It works, but only in the smallest bit as he still continues to panic.

I let Patton and Roman calm him down some more, taking more than fifteen minutes to do so. I stayed in the background, unfamiliar with this type of thing, but he calmed down enough.

“Virgil,” I gain his attention. “What did you mean?” He stays laying down, Patton props him up so that he’s leaning against him.

“You’ll believe me?” He questions, speaking soft and quietly. I imagine his throat would burn from all of the screaming he did earlier.

I nod, “Of course.”

He hesitates, but soon speaks. “I’m stuck in a time loop and it won’t end. I’ve already told you this before, but you don’t remember, that’s how I got your code word thingy.” He leans in to Patton’s side, taking comfort in him.

I take a second to process what he said, the others glance at each other.

“It won’t end. It won’t..it won’t end.” He begins to panic again. Patton holds him tighter, rubbing his arm in a comforting motion.

“What? Time loop, like what they do in movies?” Roman questions in disbelief, looking from Virgil to me, then back to Virgil, who simply nods like he was expecting such a question. “Alright..”

Though my thoughts are telling me otherwise, that it illogical for this to happen, I completely believe him. Besides, a lot of things shouldn’t have been able to happen but did anyhow. Technically, the four of us aren’t supposed to be here, but here we are.

“Alright. What do you need us to do, Virgil?” I ask, hoping the others will go along with it. They seem a bit weary, glancing at each others now and again.

“Make it stop.” His voice cracks.

I ask a couple more questions then get set to work. We have absolutely no time to waist.


The boys go about finding an answer to the event, searching through books and scrolling through the internet. They only find the same exact things as last time, relatively useless information. Though, the moral and creative sides still have many more questions and doubts, they follow the orders of the logical side. He seems to know what’s going on and what to do.

The anxious one informs the three of all the information they gathered up from the last time, summarizing each piece of information as to not waist any time. The prince leaves his door locked so the other cannot leave, making it harder for the day to repeat. Though, he does feel the strong urge to unlock it for some strange reason.

“Virgil, you’ve said that after the argument with Roman, you go back to your room, right? Why wouldn’t any of us come check up on you?” Morality questions, disappointed that he’d do such a thing.

The anxious one simply shrugs.

“I suppose we would be giving him his space. Maybe we thought it would be best if he’d get some rest for a little while and check up on him the next day.” The logical side reasons, flipping through pages.

A silence crosses the room, other than the occasional page turning, shifting and tapping on the phone screen, until the prince speaks.

“..Virgil? What exactly did I say?” He questions, guilt building up inside him. Had he caused all this?

The anxious side doesn’t answer, instead, he avoids the prince’s gaze and looks down.

“I think I found something!” Patton announces, rapidly poking at the page in which the information is printed on. Everyone focuses their attention on the moral side as he begins to read. “Many people who claimed to be stuck in a time loop said they were often pushed to do the same actions over and over again, saying that it felt almost as if something were controlling or urging them on to do so. If you find yourself with this urge to repeat an action, fight it. If you can get out of repeating certain things, that’d would help you get out of the situation. If by the time the day ends completely and the main action (the cause of the time loop) hasn’t happened yet, then you are more than likely free of the time loop and can now move on to tomorrow and whatever awaits ahead.” He takes a deep breath, catching what was lost as he read the words on the page.

“So, we just has to not have the argument?” The prince questions. “That seems rather easy.”

“If it was that easy, I’m sure Virgil would be out of this loop by now, Roman.” The logical side responds. “We’ll just have to keep you two separate, but we’ll be more careful and take extra precautions. When the time comes for Thomas to summon us, we’ll immediately lock Roman in the bedroom from the outside and keel Virgil in the living room. Thomas and I will be in he bedroom with Roman while Patton, you stay with Virgil in the living room. We’ll make sure neither of them leave their restricted areas.”

“Why are both of you staying with me but Virgil only gets Patton?” The prince asks.

“Because Virgil isn’t in the best shape, he’s rather weak at the moment, so Patton could probably keep him down if he tries anything. Roman, you’re stronger than either of us, so it’ll take two people to hold you down.” The logical side explains.

Patton sighs, “Alright, kiddo. We’re going to get you out of this. Just hang in there.”


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