Chapter 6

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I finally got to see Clove. She came over with her mom the other day. My leg had healed and could run around now. It still hurt every now and then, but not as much as you would think.  Clove came over more often now that we were both okay.

We were going back to training in a few days. I was actually dreading those days. I don't like training much. All we do is practice with weapons, and we don't get a single day to ourselves. I wish they would at least let us have a free day during the week.

The only time we aren't training is when we eat lunch, sleep, or whenever we go home. I was eating breakfast, before I went out to the Meadow in the morning. I stepped outside and it was chilly in the morning. So I went back in and grabbed a jacket.

I had gotten there and sat down pulling the jacket tighter around me. Clove arrived a few minutes later. "Hey!"

"Hey Clove."

"Man it's cold outside."

"Ya I know. I walked out and went right back in to grab a jacket."

"I forgot mine. I had it and then my mom distracted me and I forgot it."

"Here take mine." I took off my jacket and put it around her shoulders. "Thanks."

"It's okay. "

"Thank you again for saving me. The guy said he would kill me if they failed, because he knew that you would still come no matter what."

"I feared as much. I think we all were scared for you."

"You were?"

"Well, ya. Your like my only friend around here."

"Are you kidding me!? Girls are always trying to get your attention. They always flirt with you and they practically faint when they see you training."

"They do?"

"Ya. You don't see it?"

"No. All they ever do is talk to me. I didn't realize they were flirting."

"Wow. I have got to teach you what to know if you are ever going to survive being a teenager."

"Real funny Clove."

"I know!"

"I was being sarcastic."

"Oh, I know. I was to. I just know how to hide it from you."

"Clove!" I tackled her and brought her to the ground. We were laughing our heads off. Well, mostly her. I had started to poke her sides. "CATO!! Stop!!!" She was trying not to give up. It was hard I could tell. Her face was red  and she was still laughing.

I finally stopped when she ran out of breath. "What was that for?"

"Oh you know perfectly well what that was for."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do. Don't deny it Clove."

"No I seriously don't."

"Stop trying to trick me. I know this is one of your tests."

"OKay fine. I do know what it was for. Yes, it was one of my tests and you passed. Don't ever give into girls begging unless it's about buying something."

"How would you know this?"

"I have an older sister, and last time I checked, I'm a girl." I laughed at that and rolled my eyes. "I didn't know you had an older sister."

"Ya. You don't see her much because she lives in a different house."

"Oh okay. Did she move to a different District?"

"Ya. She moved to District 1."

"Oh okay. What, she didn't like it here?"

"No. She didn't like my mom. She was always ruining her life. She's over protective and wouldn't let her do anything. She wouldn't even let her have a boyfriend."

"Wow. I bet she did anyway. Otherwise she wouldn't be married if she was."

"She is married and she did have a boyfriend anyways. I don't think my mom noticed. She's over-protective, but she's not very good at making sure she didn't have a boyfriend.''

''Wow some over-protective mom she is."

"Ya." She let out a long sigh and looked away. "Sorry if I was mean about that."

"Oh you were, but I don't care. Your right."

"Then what's wrong?"

"My mom said I'm not supposed to talk to you anymore."

"Why? I'm the one that helped her get her daughter back!"

"Yes I know. She said I'm getting into teenager years and I should just stay away from you."

"Well, that's kinda hard."

"I know. She said I can talk to you sometimes in training, but outside of training, we can't."

"Well, we have training every day. So that shouldn't be that bad right?"

"I guess not." Her mom was over- protective. I wanted nothing to do with her now. She doesn't want me talking to her daughter after I save her! Who cares if we are in are teenager years soon. Nobody else does besides her apparently.

My mom doesn't care. Maybe she does, I don't know. At least she wasn't as over-protective as Clove's mom. I just hope she doesn't make us change partners. I would hate that. I don't want another girl who all she wants to do is be around me.

I stood up and started walking home. "Where are you going?"

"Home. Since your mom doesn't want us talking together."

"Oh.It's not like she's here. You can stay."

"No it's fine. I'm hungry anyways."

"Oh okay. Bye. I guess."

"Bye." I think Clove was really mad at her mom. I was to. We were best friends. Knowing her, she is probably going to get us different partners. I really was hungry so I went home and had lunch. "What's wrong Cato?"

"Clove told me her mom doesn't want us talking to each other anymore. Knowing that, she is probably going to make us get different partners."

"I'm sorry Cato. She's over-protective. I would know. We were good friends. Whenever I would get hurt, she would always beat anyone up who messed with me or any of her other friends."

"Wow. She was over-protective then, and she still is. I'll be in my room."

"Okay." I was so mad at her mom right now. We were best friends and just because we are getting to our teenager years she doesn't want us near each other. I decided to just ignore it. I got my notebook and started doing my homework.

I hated it, but it got my mind off of how I hate Clove's mom.

                                                                               *A few Hours Later*

"Cato, wake up."


"You fell asleep."

"Oh okay."

"Go to bed." I got in bed and fell asleep  instantly.

Cato's Life Book 1 (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now