Chapter 11

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I was asleep when my mom came into the room. "Hey Cato." I woke up with a start. "Hmm?" 

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Good, just really tired."

"Ya the doctor said that would happen."

"Ya he said it was the medication."

  "Ya I know. He said you are getting out today. Your dad is filling out paperwork and then we can go after we pack up your stuff."

     "Alright."  A nurse came in and started taking the IV cords out and turning off machines. I stood up and started to gather my things after she did all that. My mom helped me and then we walked home. I mean I was completely fine, I was just a little sore in some places. 

    I went home and went straight to my room. I was so tired because I was still on that medicine. I layed down and I think I went right to sleep. My mom woke me up the next day around noon. "Honey we have to meet around the square."


"For the execution of the girl that tried to kill you."

"Oh. Right. Am I supposed to kill her?"

"Ya. They peacekeepers and the government think it's fair that way."

    "Okay." I yawned sleepily and got dressed. I ran to the Training Center and grabbed my sword and started walking towards the square. I arrived at the square and she was tied to a post and her parents and sister were saying goodbye to her.

   Surprisingly they weren't crying. They looked happy that she was leaving. Including her sister. I wonder if she did something wrong to her family. I walked up on the stage and the mayor greeted me. 

   A peacekeeper started talking to me saying I could either use a sword or a whip, but I chose my sword. I stood awkwardly behind her with my sword ready. I could hear her breathing pick up knowing she was about to die and I even saw tears slip down her face.

   "Cato please don't do this," she whispered her voice cracking. "I'm sorry I did that. I didn't mean to. I just wanted you to be my boyfriend so bad." She was crying heavily now. I lifted my sword above my head and sent it straight through her stomach. 

   I heard her scream a little and then gasp when I took it back out. "Keep going!" A peacekeeper and her sister yelled clearly enjoying this. "Should I?" Everbody started cheering yes. I wonder if they are like this in the Hunger Games? I thought. "Alright I will!" 

  I took my sword and slashed her back multiple times. They were still cheering and laughing and having fun with this. I sliced her arms and she screamed and then I stopped. Everybody was cheering and yelling my name.

   A peacekeeper took my sword and cleaned it off and they gave me a case to put it in. I slipped my sword in it and then raised it above my head and everybody started cheering again. I walked off the stage to my parents and they congratulated me.

   I looked at the girl and saw she was dead. I saw how bad it actually look from the front. 'I did that?' I thought. I didn't think I hurt her that much. Oh well, she deserved it. She almost killed me and she needed to be killed.

    The peacekeepers took her body down and put her in a coffin and threw her in a hole in the ground. Some people started covering the grave with dirt and then she was buried. They didn't even clean her off at all. They did a little ceremony for her and they were done. 

    Everybody started cheering and patting me on the back and saying good job. I went to talk to her parents and say I was sorry that this happened but they didn't care they just said good job and don't worry about it.

      We went home and I ran back to the Training Center and put my sword away. I then ran home and got something to eat because I was starving.  I had made myself a sandwhich from some leftover turkey.

        My mom said I could go back to the Training Center so I did. I walked to the Training Center and when I walked in everybody started cheering. I said Thank You as loud as I could and then walked to the swords.

I noticed my sword wasn't there and I went to go find it. "Where's my sword?" 

"Oh! Here you go. We kept it with us so nobody else would use it."

"Oh thank you. I appreciate it." 

    "No problem."  I took my sword and went to train. I didn't see Clove so I just decided to continue. I took off my top shirt so I just had a tank top on.   I didn't realize it but it was the one with a hole from when the girl stabbed me.

      I really didn't care. I don't think anybody would. I now know why people want to be in the Hunger Games. The pride you get from killing someone. Clove walked in a little while later, and she saw me and came running over. 

"Cato your back! When I went go visit you they said you were gone, then I went to your house but your parents said you were gone to and I thought you were dead!"

"Nope! I'm right here." 

       "I know." She hugged my tightly.I hugged her back and everybody started saying aww. She let go and her cheeks were blood red. I chuckled a little bit and watched her run to the knives section. Everbody shut up after that.

         I continued to work on training until dinner and then I went home. I was so hot so I took a cool shower and then went down for dinner. My mom had set me a plate of steak with some fruits to help keep me in shape.

       My sister started crying and my mom had to go take care of her. She had been so quiet latley that I had forgot she was even here. It could also be the medicine that I'm on to. Who knows? Guess no one. 

       I went  upstairs to my room and threw dirty clothes downstairs and put away some other things. I layed on my bed and fell asleep, because; I was tired from training and the medicine.

Cato's Life Book 1 (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now