Chapter 10

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"The doctor said you have to stay here for at least 4 more weeks."


''Yes. Until you are fully recovered."

"Fine. Tell Clove to come whenever she can."

"Okay. I have to go, but it looks like she is here now."

"Okay send her in." She left the room and Clove came in and locked the door. "How's the best boyfriend doing?"

"Good sore. How's the best girlfriend doing?"

"Great! Then not so great."

"Why is that?"

"Your hurt and then all the girls are picking on me."

"Don't worry. I'll be out in a few weeks and back at the training center and the girls will leave you alone."

"Good. I think I almost murdered one today."

"Don't. Also, does your mom know about us?"

''No. That's probably a good thing to."

"Ya I agree." She bent over and kissed me and I kissed her back. I think I kissed her for 4 minutes until we broke apart to get a breath. "I love you."

"I love you to Cato."  She kissed me again and then left. I figured she had to go to training. I decided to go to sleep because I was really tired. I closed the shades as best I could and laid on my side and fell asleep.

                                                                                  *Couple hours Later*

"Cato? Are you still alive?"

"Hmm." I woke up startled. "Oh sorry I thought you died."

"Oh no. I just needed some sleep."

"Oh okay. Well, I better go back.."

"No you can stay. It's fine. I think I got enough sleep."

"Okay. When do you get out?"

"In about 4 weeks. Then in 1 week I can go back to training. Have they killed Audrey yet?"

"No they are waiting till you get better so you can do it."

"Why me?"

"Because she is the one that hurt you."

"Why does that matter?"

 "They think it's better for you to do it since she almost killed you. She is in jail so they can actually watch her 24/7."

"Good. Don't want anyone else getting hurt."

"Ya. Her family isn't even allowed to visit her because they think they will help her escape."

"They could."

"Ya. Well, I better go because my mom said I couldn't stay for long. I have to eat dinner."

"Okay bye." She left and I went back to sleep. I had woken up every once in awhile to get something to eat, but whatever medication they had me on made me really tired. I was awake long enough to get something eat and talk to Clove for awhile.

I think I fell asleep while talking to her, but I don't know. It's been a few weeks since my dad came to visit me last, so I think I should be getting out soon.  I was still really tired when I woke up and Clove was there again

"Hey sleepyhead."

"Hey Clover!"

"My name is not Clover!"

"It is now!"

"Wow, I think the medication they have you on made you loopy."

"Nope! Just make me tired."

"Okay I'm not going to argue with you."

"Okay whatever." I sat up and took my medicine again. "Don't you have to be at training?"

"What are you my mother? No, I don't they said I could come visit you whenever I want."

"Awesome!! Also yes I am your mother."

"Sorry dude, you are the wrong gender and the wrong age. Ya that medicine does make you loopy."

"Fine fine fine it does make me loopy. "

"Told you it does."

"Don't get smart with me missy."

"I think you need some sleep."

"No I don't!!!"

"Ya you do."


"OKay. I have to get back anyways. Dinner."

"OKay bye!"

Cato's Life Book 1 (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now