Nightmares - Chapter Thirteen

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Ponyboy's P.O.V.

I shoved past the doctor. She was calling for me I had to go to her.

I opened her door, walked in and shut it behind me.

"Pony," she groaned.

"What? What's wrong?"

"It hurts now."

"You're gonna be alright."

I pulled a chair up and sat down. She was so still, yet she looked so pained.

I started to reach for her hand, maybe it would help. Give her something to squeeze and hold onto.



"I'm cold and my back burns."

I reached out and grabbed her hand. She flinched, almost pulling away, but then held on tight.

"Try and get some sleep."

She was silent for about three minutes, unmoving.

"Thank you Pone."

Shortly after that her breathing became steady and I put her hand down. I got up and left the room.

The rest of the gang was standing right outside the door. When did Johnny and Steve get here?

"Hey Johnnycake."

"Hey man."

"How is she Ponyboy," Two-Bit asked.

"She'll be alright, just needs to heal."

"Let's get home guys."

One Week Later

We're on our way to pick Plicity up, she gets to come home today! We hadn't been to see her since she got in there. I kinda felt bad about it. It was just me and Darry today. He pulled into the parking lot and we got out.

Inside, the doctor wanted to talk to us.

"She should be good to go. Her back has been rearranged slightly, so it may take some getting used to. Oh and one more thing she had been talking in her sleep and would wake up talking about terrible nightmares. We gave her some pills to take before bed and they seemed to help, but they affected her during the day too. Seemed to slightly alter her personality. Anyway, that should be all."

A nurse walked out of the door behind the doctor and she had Plicity.

Plicity's P.O.V.

We got into the car and I immediately didn't want to be here.

"You glad to be out Plic?"

What the heck kind of stupid nickname was that? "Don't call me that!"

"I used to call you that all the time."

He said it like he was confused, but he is Ponyboy.

"Well don't now."


I can't wait till we get home.

Ponyboy's P.O.V. : Ten O'clock at Night

"Hey Pony," Darry said. "Take Plicity her pills." He tossed me a bottle of pills.

The ones that were supposed to help her sleep.

I couldn't. They didn't alter her personality, they made her a whole nother person. She didn't even style her hair the same way.

I was about to knock on her door when it opened.

"What the heck are you doing outside my room horse?"

Horse was a new nickname, but it was out of love. More like out of hate.

I wasn't going to let these pills hurt her anymore.

"I came to tell you that you don't have to take your pills anymore. The doctor says now that you're home you should be good."


She slammed the door in my face.

" Lights out Pony!"

That was Darry for: time for bed. I went into my room and laid down, soon I was asleep.

Two hours later

I woke up to what sounded like muffled screaming. It was coming from the room next door.

And then it hit me, Plicity's nightmares.

I tore out of my room and into hers, she was on the floor far from her bed.

I sat down on the floor and pulled her into my lap.

She was quietly screaming and calling out Two-Bit. Two-Bit wasn't here now though, I was.

I shook her and called her name she wouldn't wake up.

I put my face real close to her ear and practically yelled her name.

Her eyes shot open.

"Pony," she cried.

She put her arms around my back and cried into my chest. I pulled her closer and let her cry.

She never cried, never. Not even when she died.

"I watched you die!"

"What happened?"

"They... They killed everyone. Everyone except Two-Bit."


"I don't know," she cried out.

"It's alright now."

I tried and tried to soothe her, but I just couldn't. She was sobbing.

"I'm so sorry I was mean. I didn't mean to be!"

"I should've just given you the pills."

She started to calm down. She looked up at me. "What?"

"You were supposed to take your pills, but I knew they were hurtin' you."

"Thank you Pony."

"I shouldn't of."

"I'm glad you did it."

She gave one more sob then stood up and walked over to her bed.

"I'm going to get some sleep. You should too Pony."

She laid down and squirmed around a little.

"Night Pony."

"I'll stay with you a bit."

"You don't..." She trailed off.

I sat down in her chair and eventually fell asleep there.

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