A Walk - Chapter Fourteen

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I opened my eyes and immediately shielded them from the light coming through the window. I looked to the right and saw Ponyboy asleep in my chair. He was probably cold, I yanked a blanket off my bed and threw it over him. That should be better. Stepping out of my room and into the hallway I realized how good I felt.

My back didn't hurt, and for the first time in a long while I had slept fairly well. Maybe... it was... Ponyboy?

I walked into the living room to see the whole gang sitting there. They all looked really worried.

"What's going on?"

Steve came running over and slapped me on the shoulder, "good to see ya again!"

"Ponyboy's missing, he wasn't in his room this morning." A look of worry passed over Darry's features.

"Ponyboy's not missing, he came into my room last night and ended up falling asleep there." Everybody got nervous and looked shocked, Darry seemed enraged. "I had a nightmare and he had come to comfort me."

Everyone seemed to relax immediately.

"If you had another nightmare we'll have to call the doctor. Them pills you're takin' are supposed to help with those."

"I didn't take them last night, they were affecting me."

"Alright. It's good to have you back." Darry paused for a while. "The doctor says you need regular exercise."

"Yay. Exercise." This I was not looking forward to.

"Aw come on, I won't be that bad. You and me'll go for a walk." Soda said getting up off the ground ready to go.

"Okay," I laughed. "Gimme one sec Soda."

I ran to my room and brushed my hair. The pajamas I wore last night were technically clothes, so I could go out in this. I went bounding into the living room. I was kind of excited about going on a walk with Soda.

"Let's go!"

At first we were real silent, didn't say much. Then while we were walking Soda's hand brushed against mine. I just about leaped back, but it was more of a step away.

"Sorry, didn't mean to."

"It's okay."

"Race ya," Soda called out and bolted ahead. I took off after him. He stopped without any warning. I tried to slow down, but couldn't, I was falling.

But then Soda caught me, right before I hit the ground. He looked at me real intense and then he smiled a soft smile. He leaned a little closer. What is he doing?

I stood the rest of the way up. "Thanks."

I started walking again, but turned around when I realized Soda wasn't next to me. He was standing in the same spot looking sad and understanding at the same time.

"I'm alright you don't have to be sad. Come on."

He smiled again and started walking with me.

Sodapop's P.O.V.

She didn't get it. She's never had a boyfriend before, why would she get it.

I felt embarrassed, even though I shouldn't. She didn't know I had tried to kiss her.

My hand had just brushed against hers earlier, but it made me afraid of losing her.

Everybody in the gang liked her, well except for maybe Darry and Johnny. I think even Dallas likes her. Who wouldn't she's sweet and kind and beautiful.

And I was ready to tell her!

"Plicity, ya know you're just down right gorgeous."

"Oh." She blushed bright red. "You really think so, I don't consider myself to be. Thanks."

Usually if ya' told a girl they were pretty the way I just did it meant you wanted her as your girl. She didn't catch it though.


"How's your back doin'?"

Plicity's P.O.V.

"It's much better! Like it doesn't even hurt today."

"That's good."

Soda was acting weird today, really weird. I always enjoyed his company and not because of his looks. Rather because he was just pleasant to be around.

"Soda, you got something on your mind?"


"What is it?"

I was genuinely curious, nothing got Sodapop Curtis this caught up.

"A girl."

"Really! Who's the lucky gal?"

"You're just sayin' that," he blushed.

"No Soda. Any girl would be lucky to be with you."

"Let's head back, huh?"

"Yeah, okay."

This girl must be special. Soda never acts like this.

Ponyboy's P.O.V.

I woke up in Plicity's chair and she was gone. I must've slept in late. I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Darry, where's Plicity?"

"She went for a walk with Soda, why?"

Oh no. Soda could steal her from anybody in a second if left alone.

I smacked my hand against my head.

"What's wrong Ponyboy?"

"I like her."


"Soda likes her!"

"Well, you'll just have to talk that out with Plicity and Sodapop then."

I walked into the living room and flopped down on the couch.

"What's up Pony?"

"Nothin' much Johnny. Nothin' at all."

I slumped down even further, when they got back, she would be Soda's girl.

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