Food! - Chapter Fifteen

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Soda and I had a great time on our walk. I walked in the door and Ponyboy was on the couch looking about half dead.

His face was scrunched and his body was sprawled out. And the worst thing was nobody else seemed to care.

"Ponyboy what's wrong?"


He didn't even move.

"Hey Plicity let's go out for some food. You and me." I stuttered his way through the whole thing, he was doing this for Ponyboy.

"Alright Johnny just give me a sec."

I walked down my hallway to get changed.

Ponyboy's P.O.V.

"Congrats Soda," I groaned.

"What do ya' mean Pony?"

"You got Plicity as your girl."

"No Pony, but I tried. She was completely clueless."

I sat up on the couch and smiled. Fresh start! OhhhOohhh Yeah!

Plicity's P.O.V.

I walked into the living room and Soda was sitting on the couch now too.

"Ready Johnny?"

And with that we were on our way to eat.

"What's wrong with Ponyboy?"

He looked at me and his eyes darted around like a jack rabbit. "I-I don't know man."

He said that so nervously, he knew. I'm not going to push him, Johnny's delicate.

We walked and talked until we got there, it was about five minutes. Johnny was actually really nice to chill with.

We got our food and sat down at a table for two. We both had cheese fries and a burger and water to drink.

After a while a guy walked up. "Hey Johnny you pick this broad up yourself?"

Look at that a true genuine hood, not a greaser, a hood. This guy could make some trouble if he wanted to.

"Nah man, she's my friend."

"Either way how much for her?" He pulled out his wallet.

What!? He wanted to pay Johnny so he could take me?

"L-lay off her man, come on."

He thought about it real hard for a second, but he wasn't going to mess with Johnny. Nobody would ever since he killed that soc.

He huffed and walked away.

"Man, you sure are a hot item."

"I guess I am."

We both laughed. When Johnny actually spoke up he had real personality.


e reached for the salt on the other side of the table knocking his water over and onto me.

He looked as it he just killed someone.

"That was cold water."

"I-i-i." He stopped trying.

"It's alright Johnny. It was fun."

"Now that ain't true."

"What if I did this." I said picking up my water and drizzling a little over his head.

"That ain't enough man!"

His hair was sticking to his head and he was smiling.

"Oh eat your food." I said to mess with him.

He was keeping his eyes on me as he picked up his burger and missed his mouth with it.

I laughed at him and tossed him a napkin. His cheeks flushed bright red.

He got flustered and tried to steal one of my fries, in the process he knocked his cheese sauce into my lap.

"Boy are you a mess today Johnny."

"I-I'm the mess? Man you're crazy, can't believe you still ain't mad. I'm real sorry."

"Why? You trying to make me mad?"


I laughed and then so did he. I got him. Johnny and I had always been kind of close. I really enjoyed his company. He held the gang and everybody in it together.

"Johnny? You got any plans with your life?"

"I wish I did man."

"You can Johnny. You may have to work hard to get where you want to, but you can."

"I don't know. Heck if I can spill all over a girl and she not get mad, maybe I can do anything."

Why wasn't I mad? Shouldn't I be? No, It's Johnny.

"Johnnycake you got a little something right there." I pointed to his hair.

"Yeah, like your water."

"No right there." I said picking up my cheese sauce and poring it on his head.

"Get your jollies."

He didn't move, he just let me pour it all on his head.

"Let's get outta' here."

We got up and left the restaurant shoving each other gently and laughing.

Walking down the street we got so many strange looks.

Johnny had food all over his head and I had it all over my clothes. Neither of us really seemed to care though.

We walked in the door to the Curtis house and everyone was staring at us, rightfully so.

"I thought you was goin' to eat food, not play in it," Steve said.

I shot Steve a look then walked over to him. "You want a hug Steve?"

"I'll take one laters."

"Nah." I gave Steve a tight hug getting him messy too and the whole gang laughed.

" That's enough." He pushed me away and then pointed to the rest of the gang as if to say; shut or you're next.

Everybody laughed at him, today had been fun.

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