Chapter Forty-Seven

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I could see the fire light in his eyes, he was real mad.

"Why'd she have to come back, dang it!"

"Soda please you have to be quiet. She told me that if I told anyone she would kill the whole gang."

"I'll keep quiet then."

"Which means letting her hurt me however she wants."

"I can't do that."

He's so sweet and I shouldn't have told him because now it puts a weight on his shoulders too.

He scooted closer to me and gently hugged me putting a hand on the back of my head.

"I love you Plicity and if I can't protect you what's that worth," his voice was smooth.

I pulled away and grabbed his hands, they were rough, but I could hold them forever.

"It's worth so much. You mean everything to me and Soda I promise you that your love is worth everything to me."

A small, sad, smile broke on his face.

"I'll be okay, don't worry. I can take a beating."

"I know."

"What do you say we get some sleep?"

He shook his head yes and got up to leave. I love Soda and he needed someone right now. I couldn't just let him walk away.

"Soda? You wanna sleep in here with me?"

I could feel a slight trembling in my hands, but I fought against it.

He turned with a smile on his face and came walking back over.

"Alright," I said putting a pillow down the middle of the bed. "Just stay on your side."

"You got it."

We laid down and for a few minutes it was silent.

"Ya' know Soda if Steve finds out you slept in here, he'll kill you," I laughed.

I heard a small chuckle from the other side of the bed, "let 'im."

I was silent for a second, thinking about how I'm dragging Soda and Steve along because I can't choose.

"I'm sorry I love you both, really I feel bad just saying that."

"I can't say I like you liking Steve, but even though you do I'm glad you like me."

"I'm glad I love you too Soda."

"I caught that."

I laughed, it's so nice to finally have some time with him. Come morning though Sandy will probably be back and I'll have to deal with Sylvia.

"Night Soda."


After a few minutes his breathing slowed and helped to lull me to sleep, content with where I was.

I woke in the morning to Soda shaking the bed. I opened my eyes to see his smile and immediately it made my day.

"You gotta get up Darry's goin' to work and he's gonna leave her here with us."

"What about Ponyboy, where's he at?"

"Out with Johnny."

"Hurry up," he smiled before running out of the room.

I rubbed the blurriness out of my eyes and sat up. The pain from my cut reminded me of how dangerous Sylvia was and just what I might have to deal with today.

I traipsed into the living room with fresh clothes and brushed hair, I was ready to fight this battle. When I walked into the room I saw Soda talking with Sylvia. I have to admit he's doing pretty good playing dumb about her.

"Oh good morning Plicity," she smiled at me.

Her voice was so sweet I could barf.

"Mornin'," I answered.

Soda smiled at me, "can I talk to you in the kitchen?"

"Sure Soda, what's up?"

We rounded the corner into the kitchen and dropped our voices to a whisper.

"She's good."

"I know," I said pouring chocolate milk into a glass.

Soda took a sip from my chocolate milk and handed it back to me. "It's definitely her though."

I finished off the chocolate milk, "let's get back in there before she gets suspicious."

I went back in to the living room with Soda and she was sitting in the same spot as when we left.

"I'm bored, say Plicity go for a walk with me? Soda you won't mind being alone for a while, right?"

"Uh, no, no don't mind."

"Alright let's go."

She didn't start talking until we got about a block away.

"Sodapop's cute, too bad you ruined that for me."

"No, it's good that I ruined it for you. You would've just ended up hurting Soda."

Sodapop's P.O.V.

As soon as the front door shut behind them I rushed around to go out the back. I followed in the grass ducking behind anything I could a good distance behind them. I could barely hear what they were saying but I was close enough that if Plicity need help I could be there.

I couldn't let her get hurt, she means too much to me.

Plicity's P.O.V.

Everything she was saying was fairly calm to be her, although she did talk about wanting to get payback on all of us. We got to the lot and that's when things got less comfortable.

"Alright I'm done being nice," she said with a smirk.

She grabbed my shoulders and forced me to the ground, I heard the flip of a blade.

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