New Beginnings

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The next morning I woke up sore as hell. It was still really early and I could hear Marissa in the other room still snoring. I grabbed a fresh pair of pajamas and dragged myself to the shower. When I got in, I turned on the hot water and let it run over my body for a few minutes. At first it stung due to the cuts I sustained last night but other than that it was relaxing and that's exactly what I needed. After what seemed like an hour, I stepped out the shower, dried off and put on my warm PJ's. I was towel drying my hair when I looked in the mirror and noticed there was a large bruise under my left eye and my cuts weren't as small as I thought. There was a good sized one right above my right eyebrow and another on my bottom lip. The one above my eye had started bleeding again so I quickly grabbed a cotton ball and pressed it against the wound. I grabbed the peroxide from under the cabinet and dabbed some on the cut and it immediately stopped bleeding. I sighed in relief and examined the one on my lip. It wasn't too bad but I'm surprised Michael didn't say anything about it. I began thinking about him and the nights mishaps. Besides the fight scene I caused, we really did have a good time. I learned so much about him and I was attracted to not only his looks but who he was on the inside.

I walked back to room still thinking about last night. I wondered what would have happened if we didn't have to leave. I'm usually not one to have sex on the first date but something about him made me want to break a few of my own rules. Part of me wishes the night wouldn't have ended but it did and now I'm here replaying it all in my head. I soon drifted back to sleep.

I woke up and looked over at the clock which read 12:35pm. Today was going to be a chill day. I was tired and still sore. All I wanted to do was lay in bed and relax. As I was getting dressed I heard voices in the living room. They were mumbled so I couldn't hear who was talking or what was being said, so I cracked open my door and listened.

"We're not moving in with you." Marissa stated.

"Why not?" It was Michael.

"Because I don't trust you," there was a pause before Marissa continued her sentence, "Or your friends."

"Listen, I really like her and I want to see her happy. It'll be until you guys can find your own place, I promise." Michael pleaded.


"So you'd rather be homeless??? Because you're NOT gonna find a place to live by tomorrow!" He said, with a little bass in his voice.

"It's not your problem to worry about, now is it?!" Marissa shot back.

"Alright, what if I rented out an apartment to you guys, you cou-"

"I SAID NO NOW LEAVE!!" Marissa nearly shouted, cutting him off.

I quickly ran out the room just as Michael was getting up to leave.

"Hey!" I said giving him a hug.

"Good morning, sleepyhead!!" He said in his soft voice. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah, you?" I asked.

"Of course!"

"Kennedy!!!!!" Marissa ran over to me grabbed hold of my face turning it back and forth to examine. "What the hell happened to your face?!"

"Nothing, it's nothing really." I responded pulling back from her grip. I pulled out a chair and sat down at the kitchen table.

"Nothing?!" She glared at Michael. "See, this is exactly why we're not moving in with you. You're dangerous and untrustworthy. You couldn't even take her out and bring her back the way she left."

I listened to them go back and forth about how he shouldn't have taken me out in the first place and how she should mind her own business and stop jumping to conclusions. This went on for a couple more minutes until I finally had enough.

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