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Summer 1994

Spring had went by in a blur, summer had finally approached and the days had gotten much, much warmer. It was the middle of June and things were looking up.

I was five and a half months pregnant with a very little baby bump, yet Michael made it feel like I was already about to pop! He supervised my every move. He wouldn't allow me to bend over, I couldn't lift a single thing, he made sure I stuck to a healthy diet and he threatened to kill anybody who caused me any stress. There was no talk of business when I was around and Michael made sure Marissa and Raé was on their best behavior.

I followed Janet's advice and decided to mend my friendship with Marissa. After getting past everything, we called a truce and our friendship was back to normal, like we never stopped being close. The last few weeks she helped me out while Michael was out of town for business. She went with me to an appointment, we went out to eat, we went to yoga classes together and she even so much as slept with me until Michael made it back home. Although Michael didn't want me worrying about anything, Marissa kept me updated on all things business. She filled me in on new clients, how much money they borrowed, the amount of payment's to be made and so forth. The larger the amounts, the more concerned I became for Michael.

Janet's story stuck in the back of my head and I didn't want anything happening to Michael. He was so far away from me and even though he called every night, my mind wouldn't be at ease until he was back home with me.

"If he was going to pick up some money, why is it taking so long?? It doesn't take a week and a half to pick up some money." I asked.

"He went to visit our parents up in Indiana," Janet replied, as she continued cooking dinner. "He'll be back soon."

"Both of y'all keep saying that but how soon is soon?" I asked.

I was starting to get irritated because I needed him here with me and he never mentioned going to see his parents. I didn't have a problem with that, I just wish he would've at least told me.

I sat at the dining room table pouting as Janet started bringing in the food. She made some chicken pasta Alfredo with garlic bread, chef salad, Manicotti and some pink Moscato. I looked around at the table, confused as to why there's so much food and there's only three of us eating. Raé was gone on a date so it was only Me, Janet and Marissa.

"Why so much food??" Marissa asked, pulling out a chair across from me.

"Because she's over there eating for two. I had to make sure there was enough!!"

"I'm eating for two! NOT twenty!!!" I cut in.

"Two, twenty, it's all the same." She responded grabbing a seat next to me.

"I thought Raé wasn't coming back tonight.." I said, noticing a forth plate at the head of the table.

"She's not." Janet replied.

"You don't mind if I join, do you?" A soft voice spoke from behind me.

I turned to see that it was Michael standing there grinning at me. I jumped up almost knocking my chair over and embraced him.

"I missed you too." He laughed as I buried my head in his neck.

He gently pushed me back and bent down to kiss my stomach.

"How you been feeling?" He asked, straightening up. But before I could answer Marissa and Janet chimed in.

"Irritable. Hungry.

"Bipolar. Tired."

I glared at both of them and in unison they both said,


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