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"Kennedy," Janet called. "Kennedy...... KENNEDY!!"

I came to an abrupt stop and turned around to look at her.

"Can you pause for a second and let's talk about this?!" Concern rising in her voice

"There's not much to talk about."

"There's a lot to talk about." She replied.

"Did you know they were messing around?" I asked, stepping close to her.

"Calm down," she said, holding me at arm's length. "No I didn't know they were messing around. I just noticed they were a little too close for my taste. That's why I told you to look out for her."

"We better get going, we have business to handle." I responded.

I went to get in the car when Richard came running out the house.

"Wait!!" He yelled. "We're coming too!!"

Shortly after, Nigel came walking down the driveway and hopped in the driver seat. Richard opened the back door for both Janet and I, and he got in the front.

We rode all the way to our destination in silence and I noticed we were in a familiar spot. I quickly got out the car to examine my surroundings and noticed we were outside of Martin's club. I looked at Janet confused and she already knew what I was about to say.

"You did such a good job with him during your last visit, so I thought I'll bring you along to negotiate another deal!!" She said. "So let's do it!!!"

"Okay but I'm not even dressed in proper attire." I sighed, tugging at my oversized shirt.

"Trust me. This is peeeerfect."

This time she grabbed my hand and dragged me into the club.

Here goes nothing.

We entered the club with Nigel and Richard following close behind. I slowed down to Nigel's pace so I could talk to him.

"Nigel, why did you and Richard decide to come along? Shouldn't y'all be back at the house?" I asked.

"Richard doesn't want to work for Mr. Jackson anymore." He replied.

I stopped him and waited until the others were out of earshot.

"What?! Why??" I asked, confused. "You guys have been with him since the very beginning...so why the sudden change??"

"Because of you, boss." He answered like it was obvious.

"What are you talking about?"

"Well after seeing and hearing why you shot at your friend and Mr. Jackson, Richard told him he wouldn't work for someone who could betray the most important person in his life. Richard told him if it was easy for him to do that, then how long until he hurts his own closest friends and family?"

What Nigel was saying made sense, sorta. Richard simply didn't wanna work with someone who was untrustworthy, which is understandable but its not like Michael and I were married or anything. That's not an excuse for what Michael did but it didn't make sense why Richard would just stop working with him.

Still in thought, Nigel grabbed my hands, "Miss. Kennedy, what Michael did to you was wrong and you had every right to leave. Richard and I will never condone behavior like that no matter who we work for and especially if it's Michael because we expect better from him. That man loves you to death, he shouldn't have slept with someone who claimed to be your bestfriend. I left because I know how upset you are and since you are with child, I want you to be safe. So does Richard."

Tears welled up in my eyes and I was trying not to blink so they wouldn't fall. Nigel gave me a big bear hug and I began to cry hard. He told me everything would be okay and whatever I needed not to hesitate to ask. I pulled away from him and he handed me a handkerchief from out of his jacket pocket. I dabbed my eyes and cheeks.

"Guess we better get this show on the road." I said, giving a weak smile. He opened the door for me and we walked in.

I noticed Janet was over in the sitting area laughing it up with Martin. I knew it was him because his laugh boomed and echoed across the room. Nigel escorted me over to where they were sitting and Janet greeted me with a huge grin.

"Here she is!!!!! " Janet said seeming thrilled to see me.

"I thought I'd never see you again." Martin licked his lips at me. "You just get finer and finer everyday, don't you!"

"Thanks." I said. I was not in the mood for his loud ass, so I took a seat farther away from him and Janet and rested my head on a arm rest.

"So what brings you here?" He asked. There was a huge grin spread across his face and it looked creepy as hell.

"It wasn't my idea to come see you. Now can we get on with this or can we go?!" I snapped, turning my attitude towards Janet.

"Ouch!" Martin responded, pretending to be hurt by my words.

"Okay, okay." Janet sighed, her smile slightly fading. "We're here to get the rest of the money you owe. So do you have it?"

I looked up at Martin and watched a smirk appear on his face. He stood up and walked over to the bar to grab a drink.

"You ladies thirsty?" He asked in a slightly lower tone.

"No. We're fine." I snapped. "Do you have the money? Yes or no?"

"Kennedy..." Janet side-eyed me, "I think you need to tone it down a bit."

"Yeah and I think he needs to run me my money and if he doesn't have it, he needs to figure out where to get it and quick!!" I shot back.

"It sounds like y'all need a drink!!" Martin chuckled, still at the bar with his back turned to us.

Something didn't feel right and I immediately motioned for Richard and Nigel to come over to where I was sitting. Janet came closer to where I was before she finally spoke.

"So do you have the money or??"

"How much is it again??" He asked.

"$850,000...." she replied.

"And why isn't Michael here?"

"Because I'm here." I sassed, standing up. "Why are you dancing around the topic??"

There was a long pause and the next thing I know gunshots were being fired. I quickly turned to run for cover when suddenly my feet were yanked from under me and I fell face first to the ground. My belly took the brunt of the impact and I curled in the fetal position in pure agony. I rolled over on my back and caught a fist, several fists to the face. I was yanked up by the hair and was face to face with Martin.

"Put her down!!!" I heard Nigel yell in the background. He sounded so far away.

"RICHARD!!!" I heard Janet screaming. I couldn't see but I knew something was wrong.

"L-let me go.." I whispered. Martin had me by the throat pressed against the bar.

"You want your money? Well I have it, but you're gonna have to give me something in return." He said, gliding his lips along my jawline. "We made a deal last time you were here and you didn't keep your end. Now I'M collecting."

I cringed at the touch and knew exactly what he wanted.

"I-I can't," I expressed, "I'm preg-. Please don't."

Acting like I didn't say a word, Martin threw me back to the ground. He unbuckled his pants and climbed on top of me. I began to twist and scream but I was nearly inaudible. Janet screamed and I heard Nigel yelling for him to stop. I'm not sure how long it lasted but before I blacked out, I looked over at both Janet and Nigel who were restrained by two men I've never seen.

Then everything went pitch black.

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